Chapter Eleven

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Long story short, Lola was right and the Nissan GTR won the race. Zara couldn't see the driver's face because when he stepped out of his car, a crowd of people surrounded him.

"Send him up," Zara heard Tommy say into his phone.

Zara turned to see that Axel had his arm wrapped around Moxie's shoulder and Lola seemed to have finished her drink. Something told her that the inner circle didn't like this newbie and Tommy didn't give a fuck.

"What's the driver's name?" Zara asked Axel.

"He goes by Redlight," Axel replied. "Wears a red face mask and no one knows who this kid is. But he's young and hungry, Tommy's type."

Hiding his identity meant the kid had something to protect. It was a smart move, but now since Tommy wanted him, his true name will soon be revealed.

"Play nice," Tommy told his inner circle. The man was refilling his glass cup with scotch as he moved to the table where they'd discuss business.

Just then, a tall man wearing black pants, a black hoodie that covers his head, and a red mask walked in. He even wore gloves to cover all bits of visible skin. Zara noticed how Lola moved to turn up the heat in the room. This guy was going to die from heat exhaustion before the inner circle had a chance to threaten him. The guy called Redlight glanced over to the inner circle and Zara, his eyes taking in the sight before sitting down across from Tommy.

"Would you like something to drink?" Tommy questioned and gestured to the cart of beverages at the bar.

"No," Redlight replied curtly. His voice was fairly deep and sounded kind of forced.

"Very well, let's talk business."

"Is everyone in this room trustworthy?" Redlight asked.

Zara knew that Tommy was stunned by this kid's boldness even though he kept himself composed. "This is my inner circle and little sister. They are."

"But your little sister is not part of your inner circle."

What the fuck was this guy's problem? Clearly he didn't want Zara there.

"His mask looks ridiculous," she muttered to the inner circle. Axel and Moxie hid their smiles while Lola nodded in agreement.

"What's that, princess?" Tommy called.

Zara met his eyes and didn't bother to look at Redlight as she said, "His mask looks ridiculous. Like a child dressing up for Halloween."

Tommy smiled at her comment and Zara used her imagination to think of how the kid was reacting to her words under that hideous mask. Maybe she couldn't see his face, but she could still get under his skin.

"I apologize for our princess's words," Tommy told Redlight, though his smile suggested otherwise. "She loves to speak her mind, but is a very good secret keeper and fairly trustworthy."

"I want her gone while we talk," Redlight said.

Zara gave Redlight an annoyed look. He wouldn't even look at her. She studied his posture as he sat in the chair. Both hands on the table, leaning back in the seat though he was very alert of his surroundings. Man spreading, feet planted, and she could tell he was an athlete. Most likely played a physical sport like basketball or football with his height and muscle.

"Princess, I believe the kid wants you out," Tommy said.

He must've really wanted to talk with Redlight if he was listening to his demands.

Zara checked her phone to see that it was almost one in the morning. She could watch a couple more races and talk to others for an hour before she had to leave.

"I'll see you all later," Zara decoded.

She hugged the couple and nodded to Tommy and Lola. Passing by Redlight, she checked out his shoes to see that they were scuffed Jordans with dirt and grass stuck to the bottom. And his cologne smells familiar. A particular scent of Ambre Nuit by Christian Dior. Bergamot... The kid was rich.

"What position do you play?" Zara asked Redlight as she leaned on the door frame.

"What?" Redlight said, thrown off guard.

"You play football," she said. They met each other's eyes. "What position?"

From the corner of her eye, she could see the inner circle smiling. They didn't just like Zara because she was wild and adventurous. She could pick people apart and dig out secrets from others using many different methods.

"I don't play football," Redlight said flatly.

Lies, lies, lies. "Be careful with this one, Tommy," Zara warned. "He likes to lie."

She shot Redlight and Tommy a smile before she left the room, closing the dork behind her. Redlight better be careful.

The rest of her night was fun as she gossiped with the crowds of people about the city life and how they got into racing. She found herself at one moment sitting in the passenger seat of a young man's Dodge Charger and hooking up. Of course if she didn't know Tommy, she would be more careful with getting into stranger's cars, but she knew that his security was tailing her every move and people saw Tommy usher into his private building to watch the race.

She noticed that Redlight's car was still parked on the side and she took it upon herself to check it out. The first thing she noticed, a fake license plate. The plate had been changed multiple times judging by the small markings surrounding the metal. Secondly, the tires were new and from Dan's Repair Shop nearby. She knew this because Dan liked to stamp his tires with his logo on the hub cap. Most racers scrubbed it off, but Redlight didn't. He must've been in a rush to get here, probably coming back from practice. The windows were tinted and Zara looked around before pressing her face to the windows. Squeaky clean inside.

"Get away from my car," she heard Redlight seethed.

Zara didn't jump at his voice, instead she moved away from the vehicle. "How was your meeting?" she asked with her hands shoved inside of her pockets. "Productive?"

"Go," he told her.

He bumped into her shoulder as he passed by and reached for his car keys as he went. Redlight was an idiot for doing that. As he was just about to close his door, he stopped midway to find Zara holding a personal belonging in her hand.

It was his wallet.

"Give it back," Redlight demanded.

Zara gripped it tighter. "I had a hunch, you see," she explained. "You have done a great job at hiding your identity from the clothes to your type of car. The mask, even though it looks awful, was a smart move, but I know who you are."

She opened the wallet and saw Redlight begin to move towards her. It was too late. She opened the wallet and saw his ID.

"I was right," she said emotionlessly. "You know, you almost had me until I saw your shoes and smelled your cologne. Christian Dior? Really? It was as if you wanted to be found."

Redlight just stared at the girl.

"Take me home?" she suggested.

And the guy listened.

well shit, zara and redlight know each other. who do you think he is? 🤔 next chap already up!

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