Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Damien wasn't answering his phone. In fact, his phone had been discarded in the bottom of a trash can near their school and his father was nowhere to be found as well. Enzo and Kenji met Andrei at the Williams' residence, the three boys turning the place upside down for clues on the whereabouts of the family. Andrei had some of his men fly out to keep an eye on Damien's mother, though she was a selfish bitch, he felt obligated to help his friend in any way possible. It was officially midnight by the time the three Golden Boys sat in his kitchen in silence as they all thought about the next move. Twenty-four hours until the Willaims' would perish.

Sam had contacted Andrei and Zara, saying that she was about to meet Bruce Foreman at his private office in an hour and would update them afterward. Andrei knew that Zara was scared for her friend, but he had a feeling Sam knew how to handle herself. He sent a quick message to his secretary to look into Sam's past, just out of curiosity, because he had a hunch about how she was connected to Tommy Young and Bruce Foreman. All of them were around the same age and all of them seemed to know each other quite well.

"He should've told us that he was on the run," Enzo gritted his teeth. "We could've helped hide him and get him out of the country fairly quickly."

"We all know that he's not stupid enough to steal from Tommy Young, clearly he's being set up," Kenji pointed out. The man lit a cigarette and took a large hit, offering it to Enzo who accepted with a thankful nod. "If he tossed his phone out, it was because he didn't want to be tracked. It was wiped completely clean, but I have a team working on it to see if we can find who he contacted last. Possibly his dad since he's nowhere to be found as well and his mom is safely in her Parisian house, drinking her days away."

Enzo pressed the cigarette to his lips. "You'd think he'd still contact at least one of us."

"Well, let's think about this," Kenji began and took the cigarette back. "He doesn't have our specific connections to get him outside of the city without being tracked, therefore he's still inside of the city boundaries. Cameras and voice recordings haven't picked up shit since he threw his phone away nearby school, so we can assume he was coming back from practice when he heard the news and probably called his dad to warn him about Tommy. So if you were Damien, what would your next move be?"

"Call one of us," Enzo muttered.

Ignoring Enzo's complaints, the answer immediately came to Andrei's mind. How could he be so stupid? There was no need to come to the Williams' residence in the first place.

"Call Cece," Andrei answered. "Or go to see her. Then maybe wait in the house until I arrived because he knows that we'd be looking for him."

Kenji nodded his head and released a large puff of smoke into the air. "And no one would dare to enter your property now that you're the most powerful man in the world."

Andrei groaned and swatted the back of his friend's head, earning a chuckle from the others. He had informed the boys about his long conversation and fight with Zara and now they would forever bring it up to spite him.

"Let's go then," Enzo announced. "Gio and Fabian are waiting outside with the car."

In less than half an hour, they arrived at the Lykaois' mansion. They spotted many atypical cars a couple streets down and new faces walking on the sidewalks. Others knew that Damien might be in the Lykaois' mansion. Gio and Fabian waited outside with the other guards as the Golden Boys entered through the front door. Lena was thankfully out of town on a girls trip with some of her friends, so the twins had the place to themselves. Andrei didn't bother to call Cersei to ask if Damien was with him. For some absurd reason, he thought that they'd run away before they could arrive to speak about the situation.

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