Chapter Seventeen

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Damien won his race. Correction, he crushed it that the other vehicle wasn't visible for a solid three minutes after her crossed the finish line. As Zara and Redlight's past encounter showed that they weren't on good terms, the two of them didn't talk to one another at all and kept their distance. She had to hide her excitement by biting down her tongue or covering her mouth to contain her smile. Zara hung out with the inner circle while Damien chatted with Tommy over in the back of their private room.

It was around one in the morning when she received a phone call from Cersei. She had bought another phone the day before as Andrei wouldn't give hers back. It was a good thing she memorized her card number. Zara stepped out of the room into the stairwell to answer.

"What's up, C?" she whispered.

"Dame likes me," Cersei breathed.

Zara grinned. Only Cersei would call her past midnight out of the blue to talk about boys and her realizations. "Really?" It took her long enough to see that.

"Yes," Cersei rushed. "And I know that you, Enz, Ken, and Andi all know it."

"Do we?" Zara mused.

"Yes and don't act so coy," her friend said. "I guess I've sorta known for a little while, but didn't think anything of it. I mean it's Dame! We've known each other since diappers and fuck, he's Andi's best friend! I can't date Andi's best friend."

"Why can't you date Andi's best friend?" Zara already knew the answer, but wanted to hear the words come out of her mouth.

"Because then I would be hypocritical! Like I wouldn't want him to date you, but we all know you two would never date each other... but still." There was a long pause where Zara allowed Cersei to gather her thoughts. "Actually, I wouldn't mind if the two of you dated... wait, nevermind. I don't know what I'm saying."

"Well if it eases your mind," Zara began as she leaned against the wall. She shoved out the memories of last summer and their small encounters over the course of the past weeks. "Your brother and I will never happen."

She heard Cersei moving in the background. "Then why are you going on a trip with him this weekend? He even told mom and I to stay home."

Zara didn't miss a beat. "We're trying to get along for the well-being of our friend group. That and I owe him a small favor."

"Huh. Well I hope the two of you have fun in Paris," Cersei said.

Paris. They were going to Paris for what Zara assumed was a business trip as Andrei told his mom and sister to stay home. Was it just the two of them? She hoped that another Golden Boy would join them on their trip.

"But back to Dame," Zara said. "Do you like him?"

There was another long moment of silence. "I don't know."

That was the first time Cersei didn't understand her feelings. She always knew whether or not she liked a guy, whether or not she wanted to date him.

"What if we date then all goes to hell?! It would break our friend group apart and I'm not sure how Andrei would react... would we all still be friends? I know you're close with him too. It would be so awkward and I don't want to put anyone in that position. I mean, we're all family and our relationship would impact everyone!"

"C, relax. You haven't gone out with the guy yet, don't even think of breaking up. And yes, we're all family and we've all been routing for you for a long time. Hell, even Andrei approves of the two of you," Zara pointed out.

There was movement coming towards the door. She looked to the side to see that Moxie was standing at the entrance with a confused look.

High school drama, Zara mouthed to her friend who now looked amused.

"I... I don't know what to do."

"Sleep on it," Zara suggested. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you, C."

"Love you Z," Cersei said and hung up.

Zara pushed off the wall and approached Moxie, pocketing her phone.

"Do you always get calls in the middle of the night from your friends?" Moxie quipped.

From Cersei to Enzo, Zara was always getting calls in the middle of the night. "Yep. It's because they know I'll pick up since I'm always up doing something or I keep my phone on."

"Princess!" Tommy called from across the room. Zara noticed that Redlight was now speaking with Axel in the corner while Lola sulked on the couch. "Let's go for a ride. I'll drop you off at home."

Everyone knew where the Caddels lived, so there was no need to tell Tommy her address. Whether it be because their home was one the most expensive properties in the state, because they were invited as a guest of her father, or it was on the news, it was common knowledge to know about the Caddels. Zara sometimes found reporters passing by, but she paid the police to ride them off or what not.

Tommy Young drove an Aston Martin. And it was not just any Aston Martin, it was the Aston Martin Valkyrie, one of the most expensive cars in the world. Zara loved it. Tommy was speeding down the highway, blasting music from the nineties with the windows rolled down. Both of them were smiling the entire time as he drove. Just them and the road. Driving and racing, whether in the passenger seat or hitting the gas, gave them both such joy. It was a reason why the two of them bonded in the first place.

"I'm pulling the big brother card," Tommy began as they pulled into her driveway.

Zara snorted. "Why the hell would you do that?"

"A little birdie told me that you were going on a trip with Lykaois."

"You heard my conversation through the wall," Zara corrected.

Tommy shrugged. "That and someone informed me beforehand. Just be careful with Lykaois. I know you're friends with his sister, but he's dangerous and a backstabber."

"And you aren't? If I recall correctly, I saw you kidnap a man, beat the shit out of him and then proceeded to take all of his money from his accounts."

She knew that if anyone else called him out like she did, they would be dead. But they had that relationship where they could buttheads and still live.

"You think I'm in some shady shit, but my work isn't half as bad as Lykaois'. He might have the Golden Boy image, but in reality, he does the devil's work."

All of the Golden Boys were into some shady shit. Enzo and his mafia. Damien and his street racing. She had yet to discover Kenji and Andrei's secrets, but she didn't know if she actually wanted to. By Tommy Young saying that Lykaois' work was worse than his own, that meant a lot. What the fuck was the real business of the Lykaois?

"Are you talking about Andrei or his father Miron?" Zara clarified.

"The boy more so than the father," Tommy replied. "Heard he was even more ruthless than his old man and looking to take over the family business right after he graduates."

Zara frowned. "Well despite our differences, Andrei is still like family to me and he wouldn't throw me under the bus for his own gain. Besides, you think Lykaois is scary, clearly you don't know my family."

She felt the need to defend Andrei. She hated that she felt the need to defend him.

"I'm just looking out for you, princess," Tommy told her. "Your father would have my head if I didn't look out for you."

"My father put you up to this?"

Of course. Zara hadn't spoken with her father in months. Apparently he speaks with everyone but her.

"Just be careful, princess," Tommy said, ignoring her question. "If he hurts you, I'll hurt him. Kick his ass and fuck up his face. Maybe even kill him."

"If he hurts me, I'll kick his ass and fuck up his face," Zara said. She knew that someone else would kill him for her if she asked.

paris huh? this will be fun. what do you guys think will happen in paris? and now cece is confused about dame, but at least she's aware! 

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