Chapter Sixteen

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"Three men living in your home?" Kenji clarified.

"Charity work, I have to take in the strays," Zara replied. "But at least Fabian knows how to cook, he and Sam are having cook offs. She feels like he's replacing her."

Kenji laughed. "I bet Gio is a pain in the ass. Always sulking or bitching."

"And Enz loves to annoy him all the time," Zara added. "Like a child poking a bear with a stick. I'm surprised Gio hasn't punched him yet."

It was a Wednesday afternoon when Kenji and Zara were talking in AP biology. They had finished completing their lab and were waiting for their teacher to dismiss them.

"You going to Dame's race tonight?" Kenji asked.

"Yeah, I'll be hanging out with Tommy and his inner circle," Zara said. "You?"

Kenji shrugged and leaned back against the wall. They were sitting in the back of the classroom, playing a game of cards as they talked. The teacher was fairly busy trying to help out the student who fainted when they first cut open the frog.

"Maybe," Kenji replied. "Enz and I might have something to do, but we'll try to catch his race. I know it's his first time racing for Young and it means a lot to him."

Enz and him had something to do. Did it involve the mafia or Kenny's little secret? Who was going to get hurt tonight? Who was going to die tonight? And Enzo was still recovering from his bullet wound. For God's sake, what the fuck were they thinking?

School was finally over when the ball rang and all of the students rushed out of class before the teacher could assign homework. Zara and Kenji said their goodbyes to the teacher, exiting the room and walking past students who were all chatting and removing their things from their lockers. The two of them made quick conversations with whomever approached them, got invited to some parties and events for the upcoming weekends, smiling or fist-bumping some kids, and were asked about the school dance.

Homecoming was going to happen in about a month and people had already started asking others out. Apparently there was a Homecoming court as well. Zara had never been to Homecoming before, usually skipping out and partying with her friends instead. This year, her senior year, Cersei convinced her to go. She had purposefully avoided the subject when talking to anyone and had yet to be asked out, unlike Cersei who already had many offers. The guy she was seeing last week had miraculously stopped talking to her, but the girl wasn't fazed and moved on just as fast. Her best friend even coerced her into helping her make a list, a pros and cons list, about the potential guys she could take.

Not to mention Cersei was on Homecoming court again. No doubt she'd win again. To Zara's surprise, she was also on Homecoming court along with many other girls who were on the cheerleading team or the popular group. At least she wouldn't be doing the court alone. To her amusement, all of the Golden Boys were on Homecoming court as well. Even Andrei who in years past also skipped Homecoming or chose not to participate. Cersei was so delighted that their entire friend group was part of the court.

Kenji and Zara walked to the parking lot to find Damien and Cersei speaking. They both stopped in their tracks, out of sight from the two.

"Is he going to ask her out?" Zara whispered though no one was near them to hear.

"He's a fucking pussy," Kenji replied. "What do you think?"

"He's not asking her out," they heard Enzo say as he joined them.

The three of them were standing under the shade of a tree as they watched Damien and Cersei talk about who knows what.

"I've been dropping hints to Cersei," Zara told them. "She definitely knows now... well shit. She did the hair twirl, look down and laugh! She's flirting with Dame!"

"Our boy needs to make a move," Kenji said.

"Look at him, all nervous and shit," Enzo laughed. "Hands in his pocket, leaning against his car as if he'll fall over."

"Bruh, the height difference is fucking adorable," Zara said.

"Whose height difference?" they heard Andrei ask.

He was dressed in their school uniform with his tie undone and the first couple of buttons open. Andrei leaned against the tree, right next to Zara and looked at the two by the car.

"Hmph," Andrei said, unimpressed.

"Admit it, they're cute," Zara rolled her eyes. "Imagine their─"

"If you start talking about their fucking kids, I will lose it, Caddel."

Zara shot a look towards Enzo and Kenji who both shrugged, then gave her a look to drop it. Clearly he was in a bad mood.

"I'll see you at home, Zarita," Enzo told her.

"Bye Z," Kenji said.

The two of them left together to do their thing which probably involved guns and death, leaving Zara and Andrei underneath the tree.

"You still have my handbag," Zara told him.

"Not my fault you left it in the limo."

"Can I have it back?" she asked as calmly as possible. "It has my phone and wallet."

"I'm calling in my debt, Caddel," Andrei said, completely changing the subject.

She was surprised. "Already? I thought you wanted to torture me for longer."

He ignored her comment. "I'll pick you up from your place on Friday. Pack for a three day trip. I'll have my assistant send you a list."

"Woah, slow down, Lykaois," Zara said. "Skipping a mini golf trip equals a small debt, not a three day trip. And what the hell would we be doing?"

Cursing herself, her mind went to some places. 

"You agreed to pay a debt and didn't negotiate the specifics. Not my fault, Caddel," Andrei said. "Consider this a lesson. I'll have a car pick you up by six this Friday."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Six on Friday," Andrei repeated and pushed himself off of the tree.

Zara knew that she wasn't going to get any answer from Andrei and she decided that it was better to get this debt over with. Besides, how bad can it be?

"My handbag, phone and wallet," Zara stated. "I want it back."

"You'll get it back on Friday when you get in the car," Andrei replied.

"Why are you such a pain in my ass, Lykaois?" Zara muttered.

"Would you like me to be a pain elsewhere?"

Zara rolled her eyes, doing her best to hide her smile, and shoved past his shoulder. "That was an awful comeback."

"Oh please, you loved it," Andrei grinned.

She turned around and flipped him off. "Go fuck yourself, Lykaois!"

Everyone listening to her curse out Andrei stopped for a moment, completely silent. No one ever told Andrei or any of the Golden Boys to go fuck themselves. At least not publicly.

"Real mature, Caddel," he called back.

what do you guys think enz and kenny are up to? where do you think andrei is taking zara to pay off her debt? will dame ask cece out? poor zara, she hasn't gotten her handbag back yet. once again, happy halloween! next chap already up!

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