Chapter Twenty-Six

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The next thing she knew, Andrei had tossed her over his shoulder like a rag and was carrying her out of the hot tub.

"Lykaois!" she exclaimed. "Where are we going?"

"Elsewhere," he replied. Zara couldn't see his face, but she knew he was grinning. "I don't mind doing public business, though I prefer to be mostly private..."

The boy trailed off his sentence as they exited the pool area. Zara had a feeling they were going to the pool house. The last time she was there, she had dragged Enzo and Kenji to the kitchen to sober them up and smoke a bit. That same night, she told Damien to confess his feelings to Cersei or drink, and they found out that Andrei had dealt with Beckett. She really scarcely remembered what the pool house looked like.

Andrei opened the door to the house, the sound of him locking it made her smile. Then he proceeded to march through the place.

"Nice view?" she teased.

She knew he was looking at her ass. "I'm about to get a better one soon."

And sure enough, they ended up in the kitchen when Andrei set the girl down on its table.

"Can't even wait until the bedroom," Zara teased. She had drank coffee and smoked on this exact table months ago. "Why aren't we in the bedroom?"

Andrei removed the vase of flowers and closed the window. Zara was now sitting up with her feet dangling off of the table.

"I had a thought, Caddel," he began, leaning over her with his hands gripping the edge of the table. He grinned. "When I came into the pool house for the party, I saw you sitting there in that green dress with your coffee and cigarette." And his breath was on her lips. "And you looked so fucking good, I wanted to kick them all out and have a repeat of last summer."

His hands moved to her bikini top, undoing the knot in the back and meeting her eyes as he did it. She didn't stop him. She fucking wanted this. Andrei worked slowly as he finally pulled off her top and took a look at her before shoving her back onto the table.

His lips moved from her collarbone, across her chest, and worked his way down to her bikini bottoms. Every time his tongue touched her skin or when he felt him grin, Zara couldn't help but release small breaths. Her hands went through his now messy hair until she could no longer feel his mouth on her body.

And then she felt his fingers wrap around the material of her bottoms.

"Ready to scream, Caddel?" he growled.

Fucking hell, she was ready. Andrei pulled off her bottoms and tossed them aside. Zara was now completely bare in front of him and saw him remove a condom from a drawer. Why the fuck would there be a condom in the pool house kitchen drawer?

She raised her brow. "Were you planning on fucking me tonight, Lykaois?"

"Don't pretend like you weren't thinking of it," he grinned.

Andrei was about to pull off his shorts when there was a knock on the door followed by some yelling. It wasn't the kitchen door, but the front door.

"Ignore it," Zara told him with his hands on his waist, kissing him along his jaw.

But the sounds of the knocking were louder and louder.

"It might be my mom," Andrei grimaced.

"Lykaois," she said, gripping the back of his neck so that he was looking her in the eye. "I'm naked on this table like your fucking fantasy and you're not about to answer the door for anyone, including your mom. Put the condom on."

He kissed her with a grin. "I like you being bossy."

Then they heard the doorknob shake, followed by the sound of the door opening. Could this person go the fuck away? The footsteps were coming through the atrium and towards the kitchen. Zara sighed and found her swimsuit, putting it on when she heard her voice.


Panic rose through Zara's body as she dove underneath the table and watched as the kitchen door swung open to reveal her best friend dressed in an oversized shirt. Andrei had tossed the condom to the side and somehow managed to grab a mug from the cabinet. He was filling the cup with water from the fridge.

"Have you seen Zara?" she asked with a yawn. "Bree and Ashlyn came up, but she never did, so I went outside to check on her. I found her phone near the hot tub." Fuck.

"No, I haven't seen, Caddel," Andrei replied, sounding bored. "Did you check the entire house? We do have over twenty bedrooms and other sleeping places."

Cersei shook her head. "I probably should do that. She might be in the kitchen."

Zara covered her mouth to avoid laughing. If only she knew.

"I just thought she'd be in the pool house," her best friend continued. "When we were younger, you'd always find Zara in the pool house because she was too lazy to walk back to the main one. Usually she'd bring someone with her for company."

"Well I'm not Zara's company if that's what you're asking," Andrei lied and took a sip of his drink. She knew he was hiding a smile as well.

Her best friend smiled. "You called her by her first name," she observed. "That Paris trip must've been good if you two are getting along."

"I guess we're friends now," he replied.

Cersei observed her brother for a moment. "I wouldn't mind you dating her, you know. I've thought about it and the two of you would be good together." Then her smile turned into a straight face. "But don't break her heart."

"You're talking as if she's interested in me," Andrei mused.

"You sound interested," Cersei shot back. "Has the fuck girl won over the fuck boy?" If it was anyone else besides Cersei or her friends calling her a fuck girl, she'd be angry. At least it was better than being called a whore or a slut, but honestly Zara didn't care.

"How don't you know that she won't break my heart?"

"Do you even have a heart to break, Andi?"

Damn Cersei. That was a low blow. But Zara had been wondering that, did he have a heart to break? He was so fucking confusing, cold and harsh one moment then caring and protective the next. Damien said he cared and he probably knew Andrei the best, but it still didn't stop her from wondering.

Andrei crossed his arms and leaned against the table, blocking her view from seeing Cersei who was still standing at the door. "No," he shrugged.

Well fuck.

Cersei studied him once more, taking in his response. "If you like her," she began and pushed the kitchen door open once more. "Ask her to Homecoming. She's turned down everyone so far and maybe you have a chance. See you in the morning."

From the corner of her eye, Zara saw her best friend leave the kitchen and her footsteps fade away. She crawled out from underneath the table and met his eyes.

"No heart, huh?" she asked.

"Do you want me to have a heart?"

Did she want an actual relationship with Andrei, friends with benefits or just stay friends? She didn't know. She too was so fucking confusing.

"I should get going," Zara said, not knowing what to reply.

Andrei caught her hand before she reached the door.

"Zara," he said. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I know," she replied.

And with that, she shook off his grip and left the pool house. Zara snuck into the main kitchen, thankfully arriving before Cersei did. The two talked, Zara got her phone back, and went back to her room to sleep. The entire night, Zara was just thinking of Andrei in the pool house.

sry for posting this late! i have a lot on my plate and didn't get a chance to finish it until this morning. i hope you like it tho 

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