Chapter 1

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Dim light and lots of hustle bustle was telling the story what is place all about. There was so much chavos in it. It's 11:40 pm and many big known name from underworld were present there playing cards and casino doing gambling and illegal activities and many of them were engulfed themselves with harlot (call girls) present over there on sofa and sitter. They were so much drunk that they haven't thought to get a room and started making out there. It's not their fault the place is like this where wild parties held and where all the illegal activities takes place. Bar dancers were entertaining all the men present there many men were flying  bundle of notes on them.

In the corner of the room and on two sitters two men were having drinks and playing cards. One was like the old movies villain and was in his 50's. Big moustache with circular hat on head, a big mole on the cheek having cigar in his mouth. He has many cuts on his face making him more ugly like no-one. His men were standing beside him and there was a girl sitting with him who was in her early 30's looking like those tv vamps on indian tv dramas. But her eyes were constantly watching that guy sitting in front of her having no nonsense expression on his face and watching his cards very seriously. Never ever she has seen such a handsome face in her life. Broad shoulders, nice biceps and 6 packs abs body. She was eyeing on him with so much lust in her eyes. When he came towards them to play cards she has seen his height he would be approximately 6 foot and more then that if she is not wrong. She was holding the arms of his man who was beside her and her hold got tighten thinking of having sex with the man in front of her and her nails pinched the old man..

Old man : why are you scrubbing my arms by your nails... Sit properly otherwise I will make you pay for this Mona... And you know I don't like you to sit like this with me. You are getting me or not

She came out of her reverie and got scared if this man caught her eyeing to opposite one... Then there would be no one to save her... But still her mind was saying to have that man and again her eyes moved upon and saw him watching her and winking on her. And she was again flattered on this ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA, yes that's what he told his name while coming with his friend AMAN MATHUR.

Arnav was very well aware of this lady eyeing and he thought to utilise it in his favour. He loves these things women attention on him and it make easier for him to win the things against his opponent in this type of illegal activities.. he utilise his charm very well. When this old man (Surabhjit Roy) was scolding her he eyed aman that he was going to play his trump card. So he winked at her and said that old man he was coming after using washroom. While walking for good 10 steps he turned back and eyed that woman to come.

Getting this golden opportunity Mona also made some vague excuse of getting drinks and went near the gents washroom smiling in herself. She reached near the washroom and started to see here and there where that man left when suddenly someone pulled her from behind, putting a hand on her mouth and then corners her behind the pillar over there. Because of dim light she was unable to see the person clearly but she recognise him.

Arnav used his eyes to hypnotize the woman ..

So you were eyeing on me miss Mona...

Why is it a crime to watch such a handsome face.

She told this while having smirk on her face and she was moving fingers from his forehead towards his lips. Arnav internally was smiling and was thinking how stupid girls are say some words to them and they will go gaga over you.. he thought to seduce her a little more so that she can disclose the cards of that old man and he could win the 6 crores... So he with one arm started to strock her back and his other hand was moving towards her lips...

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