Chapter 10

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When she was nearer to him he took her arms and pulled her towards himself. And because of the force she landed on his arms in same position her both the hand on his chest and his both the arms were around her waist and they had a eye lock between them. Khushi was seeing him with wide eyes and arnav with passion desire as always. He was stroking her waist by her fingers slowly. And seeing her eyes more wide and scared he smirk...

Strong wind is blowing into the air like a soft music. The time has been stopped. No one's eyes were dropping down they were continuously watching each other deep in the eyes. Khushi's hair were flying as of dancing on the tune of the cold breeze. They were standing in same position from last 5 minutes. And arnav well we all know what is his condition his eyes were smiling with his lips after pulling her. He can't, he just can't move his eyes from her face. Every time whenever he watched her don't know what to happens to him. As if all the other things are not in their surroundings but just two of them.

Khushi's hair were disturbing his most favourite view because her long flings were coming on her face. Arnav left her waist and then raised his finger towards that disturbing fling of her and then placed it slowly behind her ears. He didn't drop down his hand but placed his palm on her cheeck, and khushi just closes her eyes with nervousness. An electric current passed through her body when he touched her like this. This is the very first time someone made her to feel, she bend her face towards which side arnav has kept her palm to feel it more. The warmth of the touch she can feel it, it is different. Different from all those man who have touched her till now. It is warm, calmed and... And it is creating havoc in her breathing as well as in her heart. Overall she was feeling different, something as if it's her own. She could feel the difference now. Yes difference between the touch of her foster father and in Arnav touch. And after remembering about her foster father she jerked and came out of her reverie and opened her eyes which was now fill with confusion about her feelings. Arnav all the time was seeing her expression from shocked to relax, from comfortable to warmth then twitching and then when she opened her eyes confusion as if she is trying to understand and os solving some puzzle. Khushi started to struggle to come out of his hold

"Hey... Relax.. what happened" he asked

"No...nothing" she replied with struggling and arnav seeing her still trying hard to come out of his hold he tighten the grip on her waist. And she started to wriggle more in his hold

"Kitten it's high time you understand that the more you will try to come out of my hold the more stronger would my hold on you. And it will not do anything but will only hurt you. So stop all your these efforts and save your energy and mine too." He said

Khushi has stopped struggling and then watched his face but then when she found him lost on her again taking the chance she pushed him strongly and came out of his hold

"What the..." Arnav shouted.

He was angry...very angry. Never in his life someone pushed him like this and this small kitten, this tiny girl who don't have any energy to fight pushed him. What he did is he held her wrist suddenly and then pulled her again towards himself in anger. But his all the anger just vanished when he saw her in pain and tears in her eyes.

"Ouch..."  she shouted

Hearing her cry he loosen his hold and but khushi was still feeling pain there where he held. A sudden guilt surprassed him

"Shit" he muttered and then continued

"Heyyy... I am sorry... Look.. look don't cry please kitten.. shhh..shh. please don't cry" he said

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now