Chapter 13

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"You are searching for your kitten ASR, but let me tell you it was all your imagination" he teased. Aman can actually relate the things when he saw him dancing with girl he got to know that Arnav was imagining the girl all the while. Arnav left embarrassed and soon after sometime they left to their home. Arnav was contended today finally he is going to meet his kitten soon. With thag he slept, not knowing that tomorrow is the day when he is going to found out why his kitten is scared to thr world.


Next Day

"Nopes this is also no good"

"Naa this is very formal"

"No, no... This is not good for bike"

And khushi threw another dress giving one more lame excuse. This is what happening from last 1 and half an hour. It's 9:15 now and she was trying each dresses and have threw it on bed. This is the 15th cloth she picked from her almirah. From the time she waked up early in the morning she is not in peace. Every now and then her heart was raising taking it peak. She don't know why is she doing it, why she is taking so much effort in getting ready. This is the first time she is doing extra effort in herself, and why not first time she is going out with a male and that too without any fear. She also did a little bit touch up on her face, although she didn't needed it but she thought to get ready for him. She found a pair of jeans and tank top and wear it. She was doing her hairdo that's when her mobile beep with notification. She hurridly went towards her mobile and open it and she got worried seeing the message from her Rowdy Romeo. Yes she has saved his no. With this name only

"I am coming with car so you can wear whatever you can"

His message send a panic in her. Now what to do with very difficulty she decided some dress to wear and now again she will be confused. But then she started to search something more good then this costume. After searching a lot in the heap of clothes she found a black netted skirt which was near her mid thighs. An idea popped up in her mind seeing that. She was already wearing a peach colour tank top so what she did is she replaced the skirt with jeans and it was looking good. That's when her mobile rang again and she picked it up

"I am waiting out come soon"

Yes that's was Arnav call who came on time it's 9:55 now and as he promised he came on time.

"Okay... But... Where are we going" she asked

"It's a surprise.. now come soon before I barge in" he command and in no time khushi took her clutch and seeing herself last time in mirror she went out locking her room.

Arnav was waiting on his SUV taking its balance folding his arms on his chest. His beard has been grown and he was wearing a black full sleeves t-shirt and blue denims. And was waiting impatiently for khushi. And that's when he saw her, looking like a butterfly in that peach colour tank top and in black skirt. A little bit waist was visible to him which was not doing anything but only teasing him and provoking him to touch it sensually. She has curled her hair and was looking like a divine beauty, nothing but many beautiful romanticist thoughts were coming into his mind. His eyes became full of passion and he was lost in her

 His eyes became full of passion and he was lost in her

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Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now