Chapter 8

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"Run.. run how much you want to run kitten but at the end of the day.. you will be with me" muttering this he left.

Khushi came into her house kitchen and drank one bottle water... And after getting relief she again muttered

"Rowdy Romeo" this is the new thing she has developed.. muttering in anger.. first that laad governor and now this.. she control her heartbeat making plans to how to escape tomorrow. After few minutes aman dropped her all the stuffs and she called off the night..


The sun was dawning and it is like it was dawning in sea but, the waves of the Yamuna was taking its toll and were looking beautiful, the sound it was making was like music to the ears. Arnav was standing facing his back towards the river, keeping his both the hands on his waist, waiting for khushi. That's when he heard the sound of her footsteps and he turned around. There he saw the girl for whom he is totally became Romeo, standing over there in front of him wearing a frock type dress for light blue in colour, her hair were as usual long and curled at the end, she is looking magnificent, the most elegant beauty he has ever seen, with those innocent face. But wait there is something changed. Yes... How could he did not notice, she is having shy smile on her face and the main thing her eyes were sparkling, there is no fright and it made him smirk..

 How could he did not notice, she is having shy smile on her face and the main thing her eyes were sparkling, there is no fright and it made him smirk

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(Khushi's look)

he did not wanted to wait any more so he moved towards her in hurried steps and pulled her by her waist, khushi has kept her both the hands as usual on his chest and also because of shyness seeing there only. Arnav saw her shy smile and with his one hand he holds her chin and raised her face

"Are you ready to be mine" he whispered in her ears

At first she was shying and was watching here and there but him. Arnav asked again

"Are you?"

And she just nodded her head. With shy smile. Because of cool breeze khushi's hair were coming on her face. She tried many times to remove it but it was coming again and again. Arnav was watching all this silently. It was kind of fascinating him. But when he saw she is unable to come out of this, he thought to helped her out. So he moved his one hand towards her face and push the fling behind her ears and that was the time when khushi saw him direct in his eyes... After pushing it behind arnav kept his one palm on her cheek and one hand was behind her waist and bend to capture her lips. Khushi's heartbeat has raised, her breathing became uneven and she closed her eyes and too open her mouth to be kissed. Arnav was just so close to her and that's when he felt that someone is pulling him with legs.. he frown and he started to jerked off his leg and he heard a shout


And he opened his eyes and sat on his bed. All sweaty, from head to toe. He started to watch in confusion where is he, outside window he saw darkness surrounding.. it's night and then he switched the light on of his room and watched the scene and then took a breath ohhh man.. it's his room... Where has the river gone... And where is khushi.. was he.. was he dreaming.. damn it.. and that too kissing her shit man... If that sound hasn't come he would have kissed her in dreams atleast... Bloody shouter who ruined his dream.

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now