Chapter 27

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From today onwards they are one and many more time will come like this. Aman had already turned his back. Come on he can't see her sister to be kissed so what she is not his own blood. But still she is his sister. Arnav then gulping down his passion he kissed her on her cheeks one by one and khushi opened her eyes with smile. She knew he will respect their privacy.


New Delhi

"Sir the man isn't opening his mouth... We tried very hard, has given third degree torture but still he ist ready to blurt anything"

Malik informed Vaibhav who was sitting in his room. Its been 3 days they found this mole and tried everything so that he could give some information but nothing was working out. He kind of started to frsutrated now. He rubbed his face in irritation

"Let's go let me see how long he doesn't open his mouth"

While saying this they moved to the room where they have kept it. Before coming there and he picked something from his room. And then saw the guard who helped the two men in stealing file. He was badly injured of continuous beating.

"Tie him upside down"

And three man hanged the mole where his legs were upwards and face was down and also tied his hands behind.

"I am giving you last warning, tell me the name"

But he didn't budged. Sighing Vaibhav took the thing which he carried with him. It was a small white cotton bag and in it many poisonous rats were kept inside. The guards saw this and he started to get scare

"No please no... don't.. don't do this..." He shouted

"I gave you a choice, but..." He left the sentence in mid and then tied that bag on his face. Soon they heard the man shouting like hell in pain. The rats started to do their work they started to bite the man face and soon the white bag turned into red because of blood. The man got unconscious that's when they opened the bag and untied him and they left from there.


"What... Our man get caught... And whose name he taken... None till now... Ok let me check what can I do"

Saying this Zafar kept the mobile down. With him his son in law shyam was sitting on sofa. Continuously watching his phone. He was waiting for the killers which he hired to kill arnav to get some information regarding it but they didn't call him still. His transe were broken by when he heard zafar..

"Our man is caught shyam and... And it's a big matter to us... He can anytime will blurt name of arnav and aman. Then it will not be take a time for vaibhav to reach us."

Shyam was having different things in his mind. This thing can surely help him in his favour and he started to implement it

"If you don't mind I can give you a suggestion"

Zafar watched him and then nodded his head and shyam getting courage started to tell

"I..think this time.. you should save ourself dad"

Zafar scrutinized his view on his, he didn't understand whatever he was saying

"What are you saying shyam tell me clearly"

"Fine... I was saying that you should pit thr blame on arnav and aman this time. I know they are very brave and courageous and helped us out many times and could be right men for us, but think dad, if by any chance they took your name then all your reputation will be turnish, the power, the fame you have being a politician will be snatched in only just seconds. And who they are, they are not even our family, they can stab us anytime so my suggestion is before they took your name, you should only to frame them." He completed and sigh

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now