Chapter 26

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she remembered his love towards her, his confession how he said he will leave everything for her to start a new. How he said he can't live without her... She knows he is telling the truth. And she too can't live without him. So the decision was made by her. She knows what she had to do now.


That was the longest night for Arnav. He wasn't able to sleep properly. Whenever his eyes were closed for a minute he will get the nightmare of khushi leaving him. And he will wake up instantly with jerk. The sleepless night he spent could be seen under his eyes the dark circles which were telling the story. Aman too was not in best condition. He too was worried of khushi's decision. After so many years he got sister like a family for himself. and he too in this short span of time is very close to her. But they can't do anything. It should be khushi's call. If she wants to stay then no doubt their would happiness all around like her name but if she doesn't then too they will not let her be unhappy and guilty and will make her farewell grand.

It's early morning. They both were in aman room, arnav was on his bed palming his face and aman was on two sitter that's when the doll bell rang. Arnav was so lost to hear that so aman went to open the door and he saw khushi who also didn't seem like too good, by her puffy eyes he also realised that she haven't slept well too. He divert his eyes from her because he wasn't able to see into her eyes directly. Khushi saw that and she felt a knot in her stomach. She thought till yesterday everything was so good between them and now here this awkwardness. She composed herself from being emotional it's not the time for this. She is here to make their future bright not to be emotionally weak right now. So she cleared her throat to get his attention

"Arnav kaha hai...(where is arnav)" she asked

Her voice reached to ears of arnav and as if like some magic happened to him, he instantly stood up and came out and saw her. It seems like long he has seen her divine face. He gulped to emotions. This one day separation has taught him many things. And the first is he can't live without her for sure. She too saw into his eyes and both of them were emotional now. Khushi too measures steps towards him. And both of them didn't break the eye lock, different emotions were running in their eyes, face, heart and breath. Aman thought to give them space and was going to move from there but khushi's voice stops him.

"Mujhe aap dono se baat krni hai aman bhai (I want to talk to you both aman bhai)"

And he stopped arnav was in confusion what she was going to tell the both. He made his heart stronger and made a straight face as if he knows she is going to reject him now. But he heard something else

"Aap dono taiyaar ho jaiye hum kahi or jaa ker baat krenge. Aap logo ke pass 30 minute hai (you both go and get ready, we have to go somewhere and we will continue there only, you have 30 minutes)"

She said with emotion less face and with slightly authority tone that made them both scared. They nodded their heads and ran to get change. When they ran from there khushi left a chuckle... It so good to show some attitude to bad boys. It was always arnav who made her scared but now she too can tame him whenever she wants. Its good to have them in her life. Its not even 15 minutes they stood in front of her. She with open mouth saw her watch which she was wearing on her wrist. And then chuckle inwardly poor boys too scared of her that they came all ready before time. And then again she gave them serious look and moved from there. Arnav and aman saw each other faces, they gulped down because they never knew that once so ever sweet and small kitten can give them commands too.

"Humare pass pura din nhi hai (we don't have all day)" she shouted from outside when she noticed they are not coming behind her and arnav and aman instantly followed her.

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