Chapter 32

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"Zafar Bhai had called...Arnav...we have to go.. vaibhav comes to know about us and about Zafar Bhai. Soon i think the battle will began"

The ground has been slipped from Arnav. He couldn't believe how to gauge the news.


Khushi was sitting in room and was keeping the clothes in their trolley bag. She don't know why suddenly they have planned to return India, weren't they going to stay for a month here. That's what arnav told her. She was enjoying here alot. Away of some people whom she doesn't wanted to see. But may be it is important and that's why they both arnav and aman bhai were looking confused to her. Their flight is of tomorrow morning. They were so tensed that they didn't had their dinner properly. Akd it is worrying her too. She saw him who was standing out in balcony watching the lake. Something is not in place she knew. After done with packing she went near him and placed her hand on his shoulder. Feeling her presence Arnav turned around. He could she the worry lines on her face. He don't want to tell her about the battle which is going to happen otherwise she will get scared. She won't let him go there knowing he is going to risk his life. But he can't leave his gang on this hardest time would he. Know he promised that this would be the last thing he will do, and he won't even broke his promises to her. He promised her to not kill not to do illegal activities again and he will maintain that. He will just go there to protect just one man who was there with him in his hardest time. Zafar, once he will keep him safe he won't do anything and he won't killed any person there just will distract them. And once it will end he will come her leaving that dark world. Just once khushi has to live like that and that's why he didn't told her and even told aman to not to tell her. By that he won't only save zafar and also khushi won't come to know too. He pulled khushi in front and kept his hand on her stomach. There was silence for sometime only lake waves and cool breeze was coming.

"Yaha kitni shaanti hai (there is peace here)" she said with happiness in her voice Arnav saw her with small sweet smile


he to responded instantly. They again went silent. She was getting goosebumps on her arms now because of cold so Arnav by one hand time to time was providing her enough warmness by caressing her on arms. She sigha and turned towards him and met with his chocolatey eyes. He is smiling but his eyes are tensed she could see that. But she won't intrude by asking him. If he will feel that the matter should be shared with her then he will surely do that. Buy She got tensed seeing his restless eyes. Who want to say her many things but there is hesitation in it to tell her. She cupped his cheeks to give him some consolation to give him some peace

"I am there always you know"

She said. Arnav was feeling guilty now for hiding. But he is doing this for her. She will get tensed. And he is proud too to get her as his wife. She is so understanding that she won't ask herself. She knows something is wrong but she is still by his side which he will be grateful for her always. He pulled her more in him and kissed her forehead

"Just remember, If I ever hide a fact with you then it only means that I don't want to worry you. It is for your own good. I don't want to drag you anywhere because if anything happened to you then I will burn this whole world. I am crazily, protectively madly obbsesive for you."

Khushi laughed at his last line. If he would have to her some months back then she would have run from him seeing his madness for her, and she was scared in initially right but now she knows how much she means to him. So there is no need to run right. She gone serious again.

"Just promise me, that whatever you are hiding and gonna do,  you won't do anything that can harm the people, and any thing which is illegal in the eyes of law"

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