Chapter 23

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"Found you"

That's the only word Vaibhav said... The guard started to sweat profusely. He could see that his identity has been disclosed... Now what he will do.. should he tell them the truth or not. But seeing Vaibhav with spikey rod he is sure he will not let him zip his mouth....


It was blissful day for trio arnav khushi amd aman they enjoyed only being in hotel. They took a tour of it and the most amazing they found was the lake beside it. They had dinner there itself on beach. And then they came back because arnav and aman haven't taken a rest after coming here they were more tired so they call off the night soon.

Its night arnav came out of the washroom after freshening up and saw khushi standing beside the bed biting her index finger nails, she was wearing her cotton frock nightie her hairs were open and was adding more beauty on her. He scrunched his eyebrows seeing her action. She has a frown and nervousness was there on her face but why he didn't understand. He follows her eyes and then saw that she was actually watching there bed in nervousness and he understood the matter. He chuckle at her innocent mind which is right now having dirty thoughts. He thought to tease her a little that will be fun. So he goes behind her and he was so nearer to her that his breath was falling on her neck but she was oblivious to her surrounding right now and then bending a little he whispered

"Irada badal liya kya saath me rehne ka (have you changed mind of staying together)"

Khushi jerked on this sudden intrusion between her thoughts. She turned and she got stumbled a little seeing him this close, and she was going to fall that's when Arnav snaked his arm around her little waist pulling her towards himself and she placed her arm one around his neck and other on his chest. And that's when she felt an electric current all over her body. Arnav was only on his knickers and he has bare chest right now. She narrowed her eyes down towards his perfect body, first where her arm was placed his broad shoulders, how perfect it is, then her eyes moved towards his biceps, he has perfect muscle, from these arms only he saved her many times from bad people. Arnav gulped down the saliva and his Adam apple moved. He thought to tease her a little bit he never thought this situation will come when she will be checking her out and it will become a pure torture for him. He saw her her eyes moving south wards. Khushi's eyes moved from his biceps towards his 56 inch chest with little hairs on it. And that made her swallow hard on her mouth. His is amazing thats was the first thought came in her mind. This is the first she saw some man without shirt. And this man is someone who loves her a lot and vice versa. For the first time she felt that she should cross all the boundaries with him. She let him love her and she too loves him back, for the first time khushi felt to do certain things to this perfect guy of her and this thought was making her blush hard. Unknowingly she started to trace his chest with her nervous fingers and feeling her fingers on his bare chest Arnav tighten his hold on her waist. She don't have any idea what havoc she is creating in his body. The room has a heater that's why they were not feeling cold otherwise right now arnav would have been melt like an ice of her innocent touches. He has closed his eyes and his grip on her was getting tightened. Khushi saw his eyes seeing any uncomfortableness on his face but what she saw lead her to move ahead. He is in pleasure she can feel on his touch and the way he was reacting. She after torturing him out his hand on his other shoulder and then raising a bit on her toe she started to place numerous kisses on his face.  Like she did on other day. But this time she moved ahead and then after kissing his face she moved down and then kissed his neck where his Adam apple was doing peeka boo, then she moved her lips on shoulder, all the time Arnav has closed his eyes all the time. And then she moved on his chest and then placed a kiss there. She kept her lips there for longer time. She could feel his heartbeat and his chest which was pumping hard. And then after to her heart content she stood straight and saw into his eyes. Arnav opened his eyes and saw deep down in hers bored. He then placed his both the hands on her face and then kissed her forehead. He saw wanted to kiss her on lips and khushi too wanted that but he controlled and seeing the disappointment he thought to clear her doubts.

"Believe me kitten I too want what you want.. hell I m getting the torture every now and then being with you but can't kiss you but I want that to be special.. I want to make it special for you and not like this... Today only we are going to just sleep till that time okay.. no give me you that smile on which I was flatter."

Khushi understood whatever he said. Its true the moment should be special and show knows how it to make it for him. She shyly hugged him tight smiling on him. Tomorrow is the day she will make his or her moment memorable she has decided. Tomorrow there would be no distance between them. It always he the one who makes their moment special this time she will take the lead and will surprise him.thry broke the hug and then he asked playfully

"So what were you confused about before sometime"

She shied down again and then she replied. Arnav loved her shyness the most don't he

"Umm.. the bed is only one and...and we are too so I was thinking we are going to I mean..we are going to sleep"

finally she asked... She thought when she is shying down like this then how she will make this distance vanished she will die of course. Arnav saw her and then smiling he turned her towards the bed and then he held her from behind putting his chin on her shoulder and his arms around her waist holding hers in between and khushi turned little head behind his face to see him and he replied

"The bed is big enough kitten we will manage or you are afraid that you will not be able to control seeing me almost naked" he whispered the last words so huskily that khushi put her eyes down. Arnav kissed her eye lashes. And khushi break the hug and then went the other side she lay down. She took blanket on her hand that's when she heard him. Arnav saw her doing all the things hurriedly and he said seeing her this reaction

"Well in some days I guess we will share everything kitten not only that hope you will not shied out and will run that day".

This was enough for khushi she saw towards him with wide eye and her cheeks went red again she hurried lied down covering her all the body arnav laughed and thought this is enough for today so he too lied down and saw her back. He so wanted to cover the distance between them but he knows she would not be comfortable. So he closed his eyes seeing her back only. After exactly 15 minutes he felt some moment in front of him and he opened his eyes and saw khushi's back attached to his body. He first thought she was sleeping but when she turned her head that's when his confusion vanished seeing her eyes open. Khushi saw into his eyes and then without breaking the eye lock she took his hand and place it on her waist. And on other she kept her head. Arnav too tighten his hold then joong there head they slept and went into the peacefull slumber.


"Yes boss we reached... According to the information they are staying in some hotel.. yupp we have all the information. We will inform you when the work is done. Yeah we know you want death of his... Don't worry shyam sir Arnav Singh Raizada will not be back in india for sure" and with that the man cut the call and then he and his men moved from there getting his order to drive

Ao here is they update guys .. thanks for vote and comment on previous part. Do vote and comment. No proof reading. Stay safe and love you all. Tomorrow Frozen beauty gonna post till then stay tuned. Also guys yesterday I posted lost in wilds do have a look on it too please

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