Chapter 5

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"Shut up and move amd no more words about my kitten" and with this he pulled him with him towards the room

"Kitten or angel" aman asked while scratching his head and arnav replied with smile

"Kitten or angel... She is mine got it now walk  quitely"


Both Arnav and Aman were sitting quietly inside there boss secret room and we're seeing him searching something. After few minutes he came with a black file in his hands, he gave a look to that file for a second and then handover it to arnav. He opened it and started read it...

"What's this boss" aman asked...

"Watch yourself" Zafar said

They both started to read it. And what they read left them in shocked. With frown on forehead arnav started again


"Yes this is the Criminal Records made by Mr. Vaibhav Kadam.."

"Vaibhav Kadam... The known criminal officer of NCB.. who recently solve a case in mumbai of drugs mafia. But what he have to do with this these all name are of Mumbai local goons who are in the dealing.. I mean he is in Mumbai branch know" Arnav snapped

"Yes he was... Recently after seeing his performance government thought to shift him here in delhi which could be danger for us. As you know the last case he solve is of dealing of drugs in Mumbai but.. but my boy there are one person from our gang was also involved in this. And he is my son in law.. " when he said this arnav flipped the pages and at last he can see the picture of his son in law.. Shyam Manohar Jha the womanizer.. he never liked him but he has to being polite to him whenever they meet just for his boss.

"So what we have to do.. " aman asked now seeing the situation so serious

"The file you are seeing is not original... It is only rough draft.. any how my one of the man was able to print it out. And sent it to me. Now you have to actually stole the file from him. I dont know how but I need this file before the end of the month and also the end of that officer because he is the only one who has this file.. do you get me boys. And don't worry about the amount it is 15 crore. You both I know will divide this in between you. Just in case you guys get caught then don't worry your Zafar bhai is there to protect you.."

"But how we will get it that where he hide the file"
Aman asked

" It is in the personal locker room of the Tihar jail and don't worry my one man is there who will help you with this. Just be caution that they have many camera install in jail. And I don't want my man to be caught he will only let you in and then all the work you have to do"

Aman and Arnav gave them a look and then nodded their head

"Okay so leave now think about it make a plan and then implement it."  They shake their hands and came out of the room while sitting in bike aman said

"Are you seriously going to help that guy whom you loath a lot"

"If it was not about boss and money then I would be the first one to push him in hell" arnav replied while wearing helmet.. aman sat on his own bike and then asked again

"So let's go to the beer bar yaar I so wanted to zoon out.. " arnav just gave him a look and said

"No I have some work" he said while not watching him and aman understood what work he is talking about so he started to tease him

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now