Chapter 19

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"All the very best kitten. Just see straight. I will be seating there" he said

Khushi nodded her head and he went from there to sit in mid. But close enough so that she can watch him during performance. Not knowing the chief guest was also present there who was none other than Vaibhav who has came on special invitation of Dean of school.


Vaibhav was sitting in front row on VIP guest seat and was continuously looking at his watch. Seeing the things going around him He didn't wanted to come but when he got to know the program was from some mentally retard children and he didn't had a heart to say no to them. But the matter didn't let his head in peace. Yesterday he got a good earful from his higher authority. They are pressurising him to soo solve the matter. And here he is attending the show. He don't know from where to get the lead of that two boys who stole the file. That's when he heard the announcement that some Khushi Gupta is going to perform next. And he thought that now he should leave. It was good watching children's but he can't watch some Khushi Gupta performance now. So he made a excuse to the Dean and started to leave from there.

Here Arnav started to come in audience place from backstage after dropping khushi. And from the other side Vaibhav was coming egnorsed in his phone talking to someone. They were going to cross each other that's when Arnav bumped into a child. The child was going to fall but Arnav saved him at right time. And that's when Vaibhav crossed him not seeing there.

"Hii little guy slow down... Are you okay" arnav asked being concerned for that child. The child smiled at him and then placed a kiss on his cheek. Arnav smiled at his cuteness and ruffling his hair he took his hand in his and left from there deciding not to leave him alone and handover to him to the staff of the school otherwise he will be lost. And that's what he did and then sat on chair in front. Waiting for khushi to come on stage and perform.

Backstage after arnav left one of the colleague of her came towards her being tensed. From her face khushi can see that some problem has come.

"What happened Vani... Why are looking tensed" khushi asked

"Khushi... Diksha your isn't coming. Actually she was on her way but then her car bumped into some road seller. And now he complain about he to police so she is stuck there."

"Wh..what.. but what about our performance. I mean we were partners and how come now the performance will be done" she asked being hyper

"Khushi now you have to handle it... Please it's th matter of reputation now."

"But.. "

But khushi wasn't able to complete as another announcement was made about her.

"Khushi we can't delay now go.." and without hearing she pushed khushi on ghe stage. The curtains withdrawn and spot light falls on her. She saw the audience who were large in no. And she instantly felt nervous how she is going to perform without partner. She started to fidgeting her fingers. And started to gulp down. She for once show down and then saw straight and there he sat Arnav with confusion. Seeing her with concern. She seems nervous and then saw her eyes which was seeing as if he is the only one who can give her assurance. He instantly stood up and then came up backstage and heard vani whom he don't know speaking to someone

"Haa its true khushi's partner who is stuck at police station and poor her, she has to perform alone... Haan she is nervous and why wouldn't she, because without partner or would be difficult to do the song is like that"...

That's it arnav hasn't listened more and and took long strides towards stage. Khushi hasn't started yet because she can't. All the audience started to talk amongst them why she is not dancing and performing . That's when her spot light was off and in seconds it came again and she heard audience clapping she saw towards where they were seeing she turned towards right and saw him, her Rowdy Romeo standing over there in full confidence. She got confused what he is doing here on stage. He came towards her with slow steps and hold her hand in his

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