Chapter 20

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"Don't do this you don't know what havoc you create in my heart by doing this. Khushi became shy and then bending her head she bites her lower lips and then again heard his warning

"And never this too.. it's my job to do this" shrugging her head on his remark they left to her house. He helped her in packing and then again they had dinner together. In between he told her about aman joining. And they talked long. It was late night approximately 12:30 that he left from there.


It was 5:30 am in the morning. Khushi was doing her last minute packing there flight is of 7am. And before that they have to reach on time and it will also take time in all the formalities they have to grow through. Arnav was also sitting their in living room watching television. He had come to receive her at 5 am only. Poor boy couldn't able to sleep at night already he reached nearly 1 O'clock. And then he packet his stuffs then they both arnav and aman went to sleep. And later he came here to take her at 4:30 leaving his home and here he is. Nobody can tell that his is a gangster seeing his looks and this new habbit of his. Romoeo totally he is when she didn't came after waiting too long he shouted shuffling channels

"Ho gaya kitten (are you done kitten)"

"Haan aai "yes coming)" she shouted from inside

She hurridly wiped the extra face powder from her face and then taking her clutch she came out with a bag. Arnav seeing her coming with luggage ran towards her to take the bag. She smiled at him for his care and then her eyes moved at sofa. Where cushions were lying on floor and television remote was too placed she shrieked at him

"What you did to my house" and then being grumpy she moved from him to place all the things on its real place. Arnav raced his one eyebrow seeing her this habbit and then smirk. So that's how he have to leave now. Not littering the house. She saw him smirking with raised eyebrows with smile and then she get to know what she did... She now made a puppy scared face and started to said

"I.. I am sorry..that.."

But she wasn't able to complete because arnav placed his one finger on her lips ssshhssh-ed her. And caress her cheek making it to go red with shyness

"Sh... You can shout at me... Its your right..ON ME AND ON MY THINGS"  he said that so huskily that khushi melt down then and there.  Arnav then noticed her cheek mole and without wasting anytime holding her with stomach he placed a kiss on their and licked there for sometime. Khushi has closed her eyes. He detach himself from her after being satisfied and then they were going to move from there that's when they heard news on television. Its Vaibhav interview was going

"So sir!! Do you think some big personalities are behind this theft... And what was your police force was doing.. it's impossible to believe that someone stole the drugs file from a jail locker." Interviewer asked

"I am definitely sure that this can't be done by any small gangs or some local gangs of delhi. Whoever stole the file definately has some big support from behind. See it's actually work like this. Being in this profession for 4 years I can say that. I myself handle so many cases that I know how does it work. And our police force was drugged that they when all this plan was implemented. I have joined on that day only but I was late few seconds. But never mind whoever he is I am gonna catch him soon. CCTV footage has been send to IT sectors soon we will get some lead may be from that.. now no more questions please. Let us work..."

And then he went from there ignoring media questions. Khushi sigh watching the news and arnav was seeing Vaibhav as if challenging him let's see what you can do.. he was so lost in the television interview that he didn't noticed Khushi holding his hand and that's when he came into reality amd masked his anger.

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