Chapter 30

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"Malik send this man into the inside cabin right now"

Saying this he moved inside. Khushi's step father smiled that he will soon come out of this jail. By providing the information. And the dark clouds in arnav and khushi life started to come again. But will they pass by it or it will drown them only the time will tell.


Vaibhav was waiting for the man in his cabin. Reading the case in a file. There was some relaxation on his face. And why not the most wanted case he wanted to solve finally had a way. Finally he found a lead. When he came here he did not took it like any case, but when these two boys Stole the file he took it as a challenge. A challenge which he wanted to win. He was lost in his thoughts that's when a knocking sound disturb it and placed the file on the desk and then said in authority voice.

"Come in"

And there Malik came with the step father of khushi's Arhaan Sinha. He entered with a smile as if he won a game.

"Hello Sir, "

He said with sheepish smile on his face but Vaibhav was just watching him with disgust.

"What you know about this man" showing the picture of Arnav he asked.

Arhaan took Arnav's picture in his hand and started to tell

"Sir he is my daughter boyfriend. Because of him my daughter left our house and started to leave alone buying another apartment. I.. I went to take her back but then... Then he beaten me very badly.."

"What's his name" vaibhav interupted

" yess... I remember.. Arnav..yes she was calling me Arnav"

"Arnav..." Vaibhav muttered being lost that's when he heard him again

"Sir he is very bad man... I saw them in compromise position when I went there to take my daughter Khushi. And when I started to give them some moral values he started to beat me. He would have killed me but I saved myself anyhow "

He was saying all the lie when Vaibhav saw him with angry eyes. And he gulped for speaking more then need. Vaibhav took the file which he was reading and then flipped the pages, taking round of Arhaan he started to read the content in file

"Name- Arhaan Singha, 49 years old, wife -Garima Gupta, worked as an admin in xyz company."

He stopped in front of him telling the other details

"Crime - gave a bribe to a guard to enter his step daughter flat unknowingly and when she came he tried to molest her. Not only this he tried to being physical with her at the age of 13, and he is sentenced under IPC section 470 in the charge of rape and molestation"

He saw towards Arhaan, who by now was sweating profusely. Joining his hand. He gritted his teeth in anger. Seeing him. Disgusted what he felt for him. And seeing him like this he was sure the reports which are files against him is right. He in rage held his color

"13....13 is it. She was just 13 when you tried to be physical with her you bastard. On that age girls only knows to play with dolls makes friends and kive their life making memories. And you rascal"

Saying this he slapped him on his cheeks. Arhaan if thought that he will be saved after telling the truth then he was wrong. Vaibhav is a proud officer and he never leave a criminal wether the crime is of being mafia member or some raper. When Arhaan falls flat on floor vaibhav bent w down and again he held his color

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now