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Last time it was not there and It took no time for him that she is married to this bastard standing in front of him. He gulped his emotions and saw the determination in both of them their eyes. To protect each other from any harm. He was in doubt what to do now. What to do with these two men and the girl for whom he has so many feelings.


9 months later

"As per the proves in front of us and debate thr court has come to it's final decision. It's been proved that Mr. Vaibhav the head of crime branch of NCB was saying the truth and have given many evidences too proving that all the time it was politician Zafar and his gang was behind this drugs racket. He was helped many people but his main hands were Arnav and aman who died on the same day when Vaibhav was chasing them. Meanwhile Zafar ran away. The court order the police heads to get hands on him as soon as possible and Mr. Vaibhav is now free from this hearing. "

Hearing the court final decision Vaibhav took a breath of relief and thanking the chief justice he went from their to his home to pack his things. The long fight is over now. There is nothing to be here for him now he will again move to his home which is in Mumbai tonight. He was taking his clothes and packing it in his breifcase that's when maid came and told him his colleague came to meet him. He nodded his head and went out.

"Hello Shrikant... You here at this time is everything okay. "

He shakes his hand with shrikant who is his new assistant after the death of Malik.

"Yes Sir. I have just packed earlier so thought to come here only. Any help needed sir"

"Aaa... Nothing I will just pack my things then after having dinner we will leave"

To which shrikant nodded his head. Vaibhav packed his things hurriedly and then having dinner they left. Their seat is beside each other and Vaibhav has taken the window seat. Out of no where Shrikant asked him

"Do you really think they are dead Sir... There was girl with them too right... What was her name.... Yeah.. Khushi... Is she died too"

Vaibhav was stunned with sudden mentioning of her name. He composed himself and averting his eyes from shrikant he said

"I... I don't know... I don't know anything"

Shrikant gave him smile and then got busy on his work. It was late night when everybody were sleeping. Vaibhav took out a photo from his pocket and saw the person who was in it. It was khushi's pic the same one which he took when he went to her apartment. And then saw outside of window starting to go down the memories land to the time when last saw them.


The three of them have covered each other. All of them were trying to protect each one. Any of them will be hurt then they will break down. They are power of each other. Vaibhav was so confused on seeing khushi there. Did she knows what they are, or she was kept in dark. If that so then he will kill them both the next instant without thinking anything.

"The men you are protecting girl is the no. One mafia gangs member. Who are not only involve in drugs racket but also murdered many people. Do you know that... Are you still going to support them. "

Vaibhav asked in authority voice... He was praying inside that khushi shouldn't involved with them. He wants her to be innocent in all these things. But her reply stunned him and made him hysterical and angrier more

"Yes I know... And I also know that he has stolen the file which was against them from the locker and I will still protect them at any cost"

She said without shuttering. Arnav was eyeing het with so much love. He never believed in any promises till the time he met khushi, he never believed in her devi maiya too but today his love, his kitten is standing in front of him providing a secure shelter for him and for her brother. And aman with so much compassion.

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now