Chapter 9

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"I am telling you the truth she is my daughter... She is lieing, khushi..  khushi I am gonna punish you hard just.. just wait" and slowly the voice was vanished. Khushi has kept both palms kn her ears to stop hearing his shout and she ran towards her room. She jumped upon her bed and then covering herself with blanket she started to cry and when sleep took over her she doesn't know. One more nightmare she got today, one more sleepless night. Only god knows when she will get out from this torture.


At the same time after leaving a message to Khushi Arnav and Aman went to Zafar house. They were sitting in a room on sofa. In front of them was a map which they were trying to get it... The map was of the way to locker room where the file has been kept. They have already decided to steal the file within two days. Because after that Vaibhav Kadam is NCB officer is going to join Delhi Branch. And after that it would be difficult to take the file out. They were still reading the map that's when Zafar made an entry

"Anything you found.. how to go inside hiding from the camera's" he asked

"Yes we have gone through it.. umm... You were telling that your man work there right what he do..I mean on what position" Arnav asked

"He is a hawaldaar there.. although everybody there knows him as uneducated one but he has technical knowledge"

Arnav thought for sometime time then replied

"Perfect... Inform him that tomorrow we are gonna execute the plan at night after everybody left...umm maybe approximately 1 am.. but before that he should make sure that all the camera's shouldn't be working. He have to destruct them and also anyhow he has to open the terrace door. We will not take the risk of entering with main gate. And later part we will excute there." Arnav told to Zafar

He nodded his head and them Arnav and Aman stood up taking the map with them to leave. They shook hand with Zafar and started to leave. When they were at doors that time they heard Zafar saying

"Remember ASR if you anytime think that you are about to caught then you know what you have to do... Although I know what you can do and what potential you have I don't have a doubt that you will be succeed but if there would be a chance to get caught then you will have to follow the rule of our gang. Do you remember it is applied to all.. you will have to kill yourself"

Arnav just nodded his head and then left. Taking their bike both went to prepare for the D-Day.


At 2:15am

After khushi's father was thrown up out of the building. She cried a lot and because it was a nervous breakdown for her she was unable to sleep. Whenever she was closing her eyes the same nightmare will appear in front of hers and she will woke up with jerk. She also hasn't switch off the lights because of fear and then without having anything she took sleeping pills and then went to deep slumber. So that her mind could get the rest. 

She was still in her deep sleep that's when she heard a sound of something. She jerked off from her sleep and sat on her bad breathing hardly. What could be it? Who had entered? After fearing for sometime she put her foot on the floor and that's when something she noticed that some hard thing was under her foot. She removed her foot and saw her mobile lieing there and was vibrating. Someone calls was coming. She did not notice whose call was that. She picked up the phone and then saw a call from unknown no. She thought what if her foster father no. Is this. But she had saved his no. Before so that she by any mistake did not pick up his call. And why the person is calling at this late night. The call after ringing for sometime went off. Then again withing a second it started to vibrate. So what happened is she kept her mobile on vibration so that she doesn't hear the ringing before sleeping. And when it falls down that sound she heard and woke up. She with scared hands picked up the call and kept it near her ears

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now