Part 35

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On the other side of the cliff it has a vast sea. Which is enough for the person death. What turn now will take khushi and arnav life, will they be together or they will be separated by fate only time will tell.


Arnav Turner around to see vaibhav was aiming him again. There was no much distance in between them now. He was standing just metres away from him. Vaibhav was in rage for all the things he had to do because of this man. Seeing him he didn't felt that he could be any criminal but what to do nobody could be trusted nowdays and surely not by their looks. He wanted to kill him then and there but he can't because he needed him for further investigation. If it's in his hand he would have killed him now itself for betraying country.

"Your game is over MR. Whatever you are... Now be a good man and surrender yourself to me" Vaibhav shouted

But arnav didn't mind his words. He just was sitting on his legs because of shoot on his knees he raised his both the hands above in sign of surrendering himself. He was on the other side of the road. But something else was running in his mind. When he heard his shouting he slowly started to put his both the hands behind his head. He could listen to some sound. It was coming from other side of the road. Vaibhav tried to take steady steps towards him with holding gun still pointing towards him. That's when a loud honk sound stopped his steps. He turned towards his left and saw a truck coming towards them. He saw towards Arnav after that a saw a smirk on it.

"Not today officer, I have promised someone to be with her all the time and once I promise something to someone I fulfil it even in the hardest situation."

Vaibhav was going to shoot him that's when truck blocked his way and in that spin of time when it was passed he saw Arnav running again in his highest speed despite having leg injured.

"Arnav stop right there otherwise I will shoot you" He shouted again

He aimed him and press the the gun but nothing came out. That's when he realise he is out of bullets. In frustration he threw it on the ground and started to chase him again. Arnav has only one thing in mind he needs to reach that safe place where he and aman gonna meet from there they will take care of this man. The place isn't too far now but still it will take time.


On the other side Aman saw shyam in rage. And then he shifted to his back to see khushi in her hysterical condition. The marks on her wrist is totally telling the story that how much she was struggling to get of him but this bastard went way to hard on her. Shyam om seeing that he us going to be caught started to manipulate the situation and on other side aman was only focusing on khushi's wrist and tears. He can't stand them.

"Am.. Aman it's.. It's good you came this girl.. This girl you know was stalking on us. I.. I saw her near the place where we were fighting.. And then I chased her she was running towards that car where we have kept spare bullets and bomb for emergency.. I think she is a spy.. This cheap woman.. "

That's it a strong punch was landed on his face when he was going to say further things about her. And he fell off on his face. That's something not a good sign of course for him.

"How dare you leach to put your eye on my sister, you dare to touch her too. For you kond information we all already know that what type of man you are and after running today cheating on us you even exposed yourself to Zafar bhai too. And now you are trying to manipulate the situation you bastard. I am not gonna leave you for touching my sister and harming her."

With that they started to fight hardly. Some strong punches he gave to shyam and sometimes shyam punches him. Khushi was standing behind seeing the horrific scene. The fighting the blood always makes a nusea. In all that shyam revolver which he was hiding fell down somewhere. And they also were not noticing that they were on the corner of the cliff now and anytime one of then could have fall. Khushi saw aman was going to fall by stepping on the last stone which was giving balance to him. It was shaking and anytime it will come out and aman will fall so she shouted her lungs out.

"Aman bhaiii watch out.." Ans started to run towards him. But fate seems like wasn't in their hands  the both Aman and shyam fallen down.


After running of good 20 minutes Arnav legs were tired because of shot and in no time he got caught by Vaibhav. To release himself he too started to fight but carefully enough not to harm him in any way. Vaibhav noted that he isn't hitting him way to hard and he thought to take advantage of this situation so he started to beat him black and blue. Arnav couldn't do anything because he promised khushi right. That ine promise can take his life too but he won't break it.


Here khushi was scared to death when she saw them falling down. For one minutes she didn't react and went in statue mode. Her breath started to become uneven. She was going to nervous breakdown that's when she noticed a hand was coming from the cliff. She didn't knew what to do, she didn't moved to help the person at all what if it would be shyam but as an human being she should help him right but her mind wasn't saying to help him, she didn't moved until she saw a red thread on the right wrist of the man, and instantly she remember it was the same thread of her devi maiyaa which she tied on Aman wrist to protect him from any harm and she didn't take a time to reach the spot to help him. On reaching there she saw Aman who was struggling to come above

"Aman bhaiiii... You are okay"

To which he gave a smile. She kneeled down and then she started to help him to come above of the cliff while holding his hands. But despite of countless efforts she wasn't able to pull him up, Aman was heavier. Aman hand has became sweaty by now and now it became slippery. She was pulling his hand above that's when it slipped down they both were shocked when it happened and Aman was going to fall that's when two strong arms in the Nick of time held him. They both looked towards the person who was holding his arm and they never felt this much happier seeing arnav their helping aman to come above. Not thinking anything else in mind khushi too started to help him and together they were able to pull him above the ground. They hugged each other out of emotions. Not noticing a figure behind them aiming gun towards them. Because aman was in front of him that's when he noticed the person and his face instantly dropped. Khushi and arnav was turning their back but feeling aman postures they too turned towards the person following his gaze and saw Vaibhav there.

Arnav instantly remember how while fighting he pushed him and because this place was not too far he reached here on time. He was shocked first seeing khushi there. Although she was turning her back but he can find her in crowd too didn't he. And ran towards the cliff and got another shock seeing aman hanging and fighting for his life.

The person who was shocked the most was none other than Vaibhav when he saw khushi there hugging both the men. He couldn't able to understand. She looks different from the earlier he saw her. What she is doing here why is she here on the first place. And why she is helping those men and hugging them. Seeing Vaibhav there instantly arnav surrounded his arm around khushi. Khushi saw the man who was looking at them with confused face, she too was confused of the situation but seeing him aiming towards arnav and aman she instantly came forward and attached her back to arnav standing in between both aman, arnav and Vaibhav to protect them.

Vaibhav saw the couple in front of him pointing his gun in front of them. For a second he was shocked seeing the girl in front of him with the man's arms around her waist protecting her with all his strength, and she becoming his safe cover placing herself in front. He slowly put his one hand behind his pocket and took out the picture which he got when he went to her building for investigation. And saw indeed she is the same girl, the girl whom he got attracted on seeing for just one time. On the first watch he felt different for her. He never thought he will meet her again like this. In the arms of another man or better say in the arms of criminal.

He saw her from top to bottom. The red Vermillion, nupital thread in neck, hands full of red bangles feet painted with red color all the symbols of newly wed bride. Last time it was not there and It took no time for him that she is married to this bastard standing in front of him. He gulped his emotions and saw the determination in both of them their eyes. To protect each other from any harm. He was in doubt what to do now. What to do with these two men and the girl for whom he has so many feelings.

Here is the update guys. Next will be the last update of this ff then we will come up with next new story. Stay tuned and thanks for vote and comment.

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