Chapter 29

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He saw her being all drowsy. But she was able to give him smile. Encouraging enough for the second round of love making and soon the couple gone lost  in their passion again.  Forgetting the world around.


Ticklish sensation what she felt when the sun rays peeped into their room. She has an unknown smile like she had a beautiful dream, she took porrect while closing her eyes, she could feel feathers like touch on her stomach, which was raising towards her chest, and warm tickled near her crook of neck. She was feeling more warm behind then front and that's what to feel it more she moved a little bit behind again. Its like she is still in her dream world. But soon she frown when that feather touch started to move down towards her private area. She felt ticklish again when it reaches her abdomen and when it went more down she held it just few centimetres away when that feather like tou h was going to touch her there. And she opened her eyes. And turn around and now she knows why she felt like that. Arnav was doing these teasing to her to wake her up. The whole night they made love to each other, after second round it went on and on and they slept at early morning 5:45 approx.

Khushi seeing him this close gave a cute smile and then again closed her eyes and snuggle to him. Arnav too took her in his arms. After 10 minutes of laying there without saying anything arnav thought it's time to wake her up

"Good noon" that's what he said.

She hmm-ed but then when she realised he said noon she opened her eyes and instantly her eyes falls upon the clock on the side drawer, it is 1:35pm. And with jerk she broke the hug. Its too late she thought. And saw his naughty eyes which was smiling. He started to roam his eyes on her and then she too in confusion what he is seeing started to see down and her mouth hang low and she being skeptical seeing herself without sheet all naked. Her all the upper body of visible to his naughty eyes and she instantly tried to pull the sheet which was just above her lower body. Arnav known this is how she will react so when she tried to pull the sheet he too by other end pulled it down again and of course because he has more strength then her the sheet pulled down and then he threw it somewhere in the corner exposing her everything to see in this day light. Khushi instantly closed her eyes and snuggle into him to hide herself. She was totally turn into crimson red by now and arnav smiled at her. And he teased her again

"Now that's what I call good noon"

With shyness at his teasing she put her palm on his eyes to close it without breaking the hug and she hide her face in his chest more.

"Arnav close you eyes please" she shied down but it seems her insatiable husband is on full mood to make her blush.

"What happened to you voice, it was all okay yesterday and now it is sore" he said

To which she shied more and smacked him again

"Arnav don't tease me. And stop touching me everywhere it's been ticklish" She again whinned

"That's what you were not telling me last night, it was  opposite you said something like "harder and faster" and more things like..."

"Arnav stop it" she shouted

And he laughed at her cute face. He stopped teasing her but then again he smiled palming her cheeks and said

"Last night is the most memorable night for me kitten. Not because we made love... Heck I could have  wait it further more if you wanted, it is not about physical intimacy but because I had you in my life for my all life. Last night I had someone in my arms whom I can call a family. Who will be there in my thick and thin times, to whom I can show my weakness and low days and if needed can cry on your lap. To whom I can show  what I am in real, to whom I don't have to show the facade mask of THE ASR the strongest mafia dealer but also Arnav who was lost in this world. Kitten you have showed me the another way if living other then this life. You have given rise to arnav whom I hided in the mask if ASR so that I can face the world. And for that I will be always indebted to you baby, I will never make you regret living with me I promise. And Today this Arnav Singh Raizada will do what he never did in front of anyone."

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now