Chapter 25

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That's when he noticed two men running from behind a igloo house. And he ran behind him. Khushi was shocked seeing the scene. She became a statue and was standing still..

"Hey stop" arnav shouted


Khushi was standing there watching arnav running behind the goons. She couldn't believe what is happening. This is all new for her. She was scared to hell. Who are these men, why they tried to kill them. All these questions were making her confused and scared more. But after sometime she bringing her courage back ran behind arnav to see what is happening.

Arnav soon after running was able to catch on man when he was not able to run in that snow, and falls down. Arnav held him by color his gangster look was back. His eyes were burning in rage and he gritted his teeth. With all force he punched the man on his jaw he falls down again while spitting blood from his mouth the punch was so hard for him. And then he jumped on him and started to beat him black and blue. Seeing arnav beating the other man came behind again and then he put his arm around arnav neck and started to strangle him.

Arnav left the amn who was under his control and he started to make himself free from the others man clutching. In which he was successful. Khushi came near them just few metres away she was standing and saw arnav's rudra avtaar. Arnav was nie beating the other man and whenever punch landed on the man face or anywhere part of the body she would close her eyes, turn her face. She is deadly scared seeing arnav in so much rage and fighting like an animal.

The man who was lying down stood up and put out the revolver which was he hiding and targeted arnav. Khushi saw this and she don't know what to do. There arnav was busy fighting that another man. Only one way she was thinking to stop this man. But she was scared. She saw blood on that white surface of snow and that was making her feeling like nausea. But Arnav life in danger too so she thought to do it anyhow. She ran towards the man and when the bullet was fire she raised his hand above and the bullet was fired in the sky. The man got angry on her, because of her he missed killing arnav. So he slapped her tightly. And that's what arnav saw which made him mad.

Arnav saw that man slapping his kitten, and now if we say earlier he was burning in rage then now he was burning with paroxysm anger. Khushi has already been fallen down and there was deep cut in corner of her lips. And that madened him. He could have tolerated anything, any bullet but the blood he saw on khushi's face that too on this special day made him mad bull. He took the man neck in both of his hand and then twisted killing in if it and then he ran towards the one who slapped khushi  and punched him again in stomach, the gun has fallen down and the man laid straight. Khushi saw his red eyes with water coming out of him. He placed his one leg on his face siding it and picked up the gun aiming on him. Khushi was shocked, she couldn't believe he can do this. Beating someone, injuring someone is another thing. But killing... It could be done by a murderer only. She saw his hand which was targeting the man, it was not shivering as if he knows, he has habit of holding that. Arnav too turned towards khushi and saw her eyes. They had eye lock one conveying the truth and one shocked with the truth. He blinked his eyes for the tears which came out... He turned towards the man not able to see into her eyes anymore being guilty for hiding the truth he muttered

"Turn around"

There was request on his voice. It was not like he was ordering around her. It was just a simple he can't murder in front of her, his hands will shake but there nothing to send her of so he told her to turn around

Arnav: turn around... Please kitten

Khushi saw him requesting her. But she didn't because she had hope that he will not murder anyone. But she was wrong may be if the man had beaten arnav he would have left him (well I don't think so😂) but how can he leave him now when he hurt his kitten, his love life. Arnav was getting irritated now because this was first time he was unable to pull the trigger because there is khushi whom he didn't wanted to scare. So he shouted in frustration on her

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