Chapter 15

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"No not there, here with me on my bed." Arnav was stunned of her request but then remembered her condition. She is actually afraid and he doesn't had any heart to say no to her. He nodded his head and then lay her down covering her and then he laid on the other side of the bed in far distance from her so that she doesn't feel any uncomfortableness. Khushi held his hand which he placed in between and then closed her eyes going in a much needed deep slumber. Arnav saw her face which was so divine in this light  when he gets confirmed that's she fall asleep, he closed the night lights from her side table lamp without removing his hand from her and then when sleep took over him he don't know.


Arnav's POV

I was sleeping peacefully sailing my all horses, without thinking anything about the world. That's when I felt some soft thing crushing in my body. First I thought to ignore it but when after sometime it started moving inside my T-shirt near my abs that's when I opened my eyes. I saw towards the source of my disturbance and it left me speechless. There Khushi was sleeping tangling her legs with mine and then I show her hands which was going inside my T-shirt, now I know why she is doing that. Because of her rolling side to side the blanket has fallen down and unknown to her surrounding she came close to me in sleep feeling the warmth.

But her this way of sleeping is making me uncomfortable. No not in closeness hell I would be an alien if I will feel uncomfortable because of this that is not the reason. The reason is I am wearing jeans. Already because of that I slept uncomfortably because I used to wear night shots at night which is somewhat loose but here... And above that her legs which made the situation even more worse. But what to do can't disturb her right now and can't move too. But something should be done right ..


Arnav was going with all these thoughts. And after his self talk he tried to remove khushi's leg from him in which he was successful but when tried to remove her hands, she clutches him even more tightly. He tried second time and this time she rounded her arm on his waist and snuggled even more close. Now her face was on his chest. And now arnav was more trapped in her. But he was liking it. Khushi's warm breath was falling upon him. When she clutched him he had taken a long breath which he stopped exhaling thinking it will disturb her and when he found that she slept again comfortably he left that breath slowly with sigh and thanked God. But now the situation became worse than before. Her closeness was not doing anything great to his body. His body is reacting to her every touch, unknowingly he also put his arm around her and started to caressed her back. She is warm. His hold tighten upon her when his hand found the zip of the dress he played with that. Many uncertain thoughts came to his mind to open it or not to open it. He pulled her more in his embrace. He was lost and in that situation he started to pull that zip down. It's not even an inch he did he came back to reality.

What is he doing???? He never took an advantage of any girl before. He never did this type of things. In his mission too he never crossed his limits then how could he do this with her, his kitten. Who is so pure, so innocent and so naive. Nopes it's wrong he will never let anyone to take advantage of this pure soul not even himself. He zipped up the dress again and kissing her forehead he slept and whole night he was in same position.

Next Morning

Khushi's Pov

I was smiling when I woke up with closed eyes. There was smile on face because it has a reason. I have seen a beautiful dream. Yes this time I didn't had a nightmare but a beautiful dream. I was standing in a garden with blind folds. I can't see anything but I did feel the odour of Roses. Yes it's my favorite. Suddenly two strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. And the person started to nuzzle my neck. Strange thing is that I didn't feel for once uncomfortable. I can feel the touch it is not unknown to me, the perfume odour is also known, and the way he was holding me tell me about possessiveness. Suddenly those arms left my waist and then holding my shoulder turned me around he then unfolded my blinds and that's when I saw the person who was known to me, giving me his usual smirk. Arnav... But he was not in his usual get ups he was wearing black suit a bow in white shirt, perfectly gelled hair. He was looking as if he is going in some wedding, looking all the way handsome. That's when I noticed myself in a white gown not looking less than a princess and then he sat on his knees, bringing out a beautiful wooden box from his pocket and then opened it. There was a beautiful solitaire in it.

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now