Chapter 2

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Here arnav was running from that casino place and after running from good time he stopped at mid of the road and bend to take a breath when he started to feel okay he straighten himself... That's when someone banged with him and because he was not ready to stand he falls down taking a soft body with him beside the road...


Arnav's POV

I was running from that casino and after good running when I was asure that no one is behind me so stopped to take a breath. That's when someone banged with me and because I was not ready to this sudden crash we both fell down beside the road. At first I thought maybe some police man would be he because they were the one who following me but when I embraced the person I felt soft and petite body, jasmine odour from body and fruity odour of hair. The person can't be any male. It's more like a girl who was breathing heavily clutching my color. Her warm breath on my neck was doing something to me and giving rise to many unknown feelings. And all the time I was closing my eyes but then I thought to confirm my doubt so slowly I opened my eyes and watch the person. Yes she is a girl but I can't see her face as she has buried it in my chest deep down there. Then a thought came into my mind how perfectly she fitted in my arms like as if she was made for me. There was something happening to me don't know what but something unusual, something beautiful. My all the thoughts came to an end when she opened her eyes and raised her face a little and saw me direct into my eyes..

That's it time has been stopped for me. First my eyes met with her. Such a beautiful big hazal eyes having big eyeslashes, the prettiest eyes I have ever seen, she was looking like a unique perspective for me, innocence is what the first came into my mind after watching her. My eyes travel down to her face and stopped at her nose, it was cute and small like button, and then her cheekbones were awesome and then my eyes went down to the most beautiful thing on her face her lips, they were so full and luscious and plumped just like a rose petal I so wanted to claim them seeing them shivering. Her whole part of the body is just perfect.. I mean I have met with so many modern girls in my profession but she is unique, she is different in her own way. The thing most attracts me towards her were her eyes which was full of fright, terror, and horror. I came out of my staring session when a vehicle pass through us. She again of fright hold me tightly closing her eyes buring her face in my chest but this time it all happened so sudden that because of it her hair falls on my face.. it was like a magic

No one POV

Khushi was scared so scared that she again clutched arnav color again. And arnav lost in her again. She creating a havoc in him. His one hand was on her waist and second on her hair, giving secure to her unknowingly. He was so lost that while imagining things he tighten his hold on her waist. And that time khushi suddenly opened her eyes realising that she is in the arms of unknown man and that too at this lage night. She again raised herself a little and tried to came out of his hold, and started to wriggle when she noticed he was holding her tightly. Arnav also came back from his lala land and left her. They stood up and straighten themselves. Arnav was continuously gawking upon her from head to toe. And khushi was feeling uncomfortable of it and continuously playing with her fingers watching down.. arnav was seeing her with lost eyes still. She was wearing cotton thin strap night frock till knee... And her long creamy legs were visible to him. And that made him a little mad that how can she come out at this late night with this type of dressing style. A sudden possessiveness came into his heart even if he met her just now 10 minutes before, anything could have happened to her.  After capturing her in his cornea he thought to start the conversation so with authority and angry voice he asked

"What the hell are you doing here at this late night on lonely road"

Khushi who was already very much terrified got more startled when he asked her with so much strong voice. Earlier it was her fingers with which she was playing but then her whole body shivered and more tears left her eyes because of it... She was unable to make a proper sentence. She also haven't thought who is he to ask

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now