Chapter 33

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he went without turning around. Because he knew he won't be able to go if he watch her again. When was invisible to her eyes, her smile dropped. She faked the smile on her face so that he can go peace fully but inside she is tensed a sudden restlessness has taken place in her heart since the time she got to know they are going for important work. Just god be with them she prayed.


Khushi was seeing her mobile galary, she was lost in their pictures which they have taken in Greece. Such a beautiful memories they are. Time to time she was having shy smile too on her face too remembering how arnav all the time being touchy to her that literally aman bhai has to shout on him not to do things here in front of others mainly in front of him. She will not forget. She was scrolling down a little that's when she came across with one picture of three of them.

In that khushi was taking selfie of three of them. Arnav doesn't like taking pictures of him truth to be told. He started to do irritated things, like when she click on camera then he will hide his face. Will start to shrug his head due to which all hairs come on his face and it will come blur. She was getting irritated that's when aman held him from behind capturing his arms that's when she was able to take good three four pictures of them. And that's why when he asked today for the selfie she was stunned. He took it easily. See was continued seeing the pictures because she didn't had anything to do. Just before an hour she talked to him. He was busy and by his voice it seems he is tensed too. Don't know what is happening. At one side she is worried. That's when her mobile rings. And she picked it up.


Am I talking to Mrs. Raizada

Yes whose this

Mrs. Raizada there is an important news going on television I thought to inform you may be could be life changing event for you, please have a look

She got confused who talks like this. Removing her phone from ears she dae the no. It was not of her known. She again kept it on ear and said

Who are you who is talking

Mrs Raizada it will be good if you see the tv now what is there in name just know that I am your well wisher. Its about arnav and before you ask I work with him that's why I felt it will be important to inform you, knowing arnav nature I was sure he won't tell that's why I called you after all the matter is of his life and death.

And all the land slipped from Khushi's feet after hearing this. Her mobile too slipped down from her hand. And running she went to living room where television was kept and switch on the television. There see saw Vaibhav Kadam giving interview in media about the illegal activities happening in capital. He told about the file stealing and what he got the proves, he knows who is behind this and he is going to arrest them taking forces with him in case they did firing and anything. He didn't told the names because of privacy. But he has given enough details which shocked khushi and confirmed that indeed he is talking about Zafar aman and arnav. Her tears started to come. She was worried for this she has happy with arnav but one thought always digging her mind tha what if someday his past background come in their future. How would she react what if because of past deeds he get punished will she able to handle that and her instantly said no. But she also can't live without him. He is the only person in her life in this world now and if something happened to him, she too will die with him. And that's why she kept a promise to leave all this to live a tension free life. But it seems god isn't in favour of this. They had to go with the hardship all along. With tearful eyes and steady steps she reached into the room to call arnav immediately and to say to come back. Now she knows why he is tensed may be they are going to fight which means killing injuries and life threatening encounter. And in hell she will let him go through this. She was calling him but the reply she got is that his mobile is switched off, she tried multiple times but the same reply she got she started to take hiccupes because of crying now and slowly she slides down on the bed and covered her face in tension and was crying hard. She couldn't believe arnav isn't listening to her this time. She knows if he has promised to her then he will not harm anyone. But it would be mean that in not fighting with others mean getting hurt by himself. She don't want that too. She can never think of him getting hurt. That's when she got notification in her mobile of incoming messages. She thought it would be arnav so she hurriedly took in her hands but got more confused because it was not of arnav but with the same no. From which she got the call. It has written that if she wants to reach arnav she should come to this address soon. She was confused what to do she was that confused. The news the information was real, but what if it is a ploy this text. She don't know she don't know anything what to do. She was just crying there in disturbance she wasn't a lt to made her mind.

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