Chapter 12

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"Kitten devi maiyaa saved me Aman" and then he saw towards aman who gave him a known smile'

Together they left from there to Zafar house to give the file. Zafar was so happy with that and why not his
Son in law has been saved. He instantly took them in hug and as promised reward them with their price money which was 15 crore. And promised to throw a party next night. Aman and arnav was so tired and that's why Zafar told them to stay at his place and then left after celebrating the party tomorrow.


Next Day

Khushi was in her school and was teaching children's dance steps. As annual function was going to be held in the school in next 15 days. But all her attention was on her Rowdy Romeo. Yes she was physically present at school but her mind all the way was on him. He was in very important work yesterday didn't he. Is it done successfully. Has he returned from that. Unknowingly she was getting into him. He was going to take her out today didn't he. But if it would have continued he would have informed her. He has her no. Know. She was going with all these thoughts when Suddenly her Mobile beeped with incoming call. She saw the no. It was unknown to her. But when she give a little pressure to his mind then she acknowledged it. It is his no. And without thinking anything she quickly picked it up as if her life depended on this one call.

"Hello..." She said instantly without giving any chance to the other person on the side. And a smirk came upon Arnav's face. Yes it's his call. When he woke up at afternoon nearly 12:20 the first thought came to his mind is to call his kitten instantly. It's more than 24 hours he saw her and heard her voice. And with the speed she answered his call and said hello he is sure she was waiting for his call.

"Miss kr rahi thi mujhe... (Were you missing me)" he said

There was a pin drop silence for good 2 minutes. Arnav was waiting for her reply and Khushi she too don't know what to say. Her subconscious mind was saying yes she was missing him. But why she also don't know. From yesterday she was thinking about him and now when he called she don't know what to say. But how could she miss someone unknown to her and that too a boy. Nowadays whenever he comes in front of her or she hear his voice her heart skipped a beat. And why she doesn't know. Many times she searched for answer but nothing came fruitful. She thought to go with the flow. While thinking all those her breathing took a toll and started rise and fall and arnav felt that. He could hear  her taking deep and frantic breathing. When Arnav didn't get answer for long he finally asked in serious voice thinking about her fear

"Hey you okay..." He asked with concerned but he didn't know that this time her deep breathing is not because of some fear but because his voice create havoc in her body giving different sensation and current to her body. After composing herself she said...

"I am okay.. how are you.. how was your work" she instantly asked again

Arnav felt sudden kind of jolt. He could feel her concern for him and in this 25 years of life nobody showed this much concern for him anytime. And his kitten doing for him has gave birth of respect for her in his heart.

"Tum pareshaan thi.... Mere liye (you were worried... For me)" he took a pause between his this lines. He was happy finally his kitten is coming out of the box. He is happy too that finally he has someone who cares about him. But he do have some guilt too when she asked about his work. What will she do when she will come to know? Would she come with him in this dark world or would she leave him forever. The type of girl she is the second possibility is looking most appropriate decision for her. And this thought panicked him. Suddenly he felt he is suffocating, his heartbeat raised as if anytime he will collapse on the floor. The thought is in itself very painful but what will happen when she will actually leave him. No... A big no he will not let her leave him. She is his breath his heartbeat his soul and to keep her with him he will cross any boundary. He will do anything she asked whether to leave this dark world.. he will do it too.

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now