Chapter 3

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Here arnav watched her running and was smirking seeing her like this

"Khushi Gupta... Interesting"

After taking her name he also went from there lost in her memories. And he meant all the things he said to her definately this is not the end of their meeting..

Khushi reached in her room and then closed the door. Her heartbeat had took a toll... It's good her foster father was not there when she entered. She doesn't want to face him anymore. It's just that because of her mother she came here otherwise she had the full planning of renting a room near by her school. And she has seen a one BHK flat too. Definitely from today's act she was sure that by tomorrow evening she will shift in that flat. It would be difficult to survive alone there but it will be better then staying here in the eyes of that predator. Who will jump upon her anytime seeing the opportunity and whatever happened today it added one more horrible nightmare in her. She was playing the happening of today's and that's when that stranger again comes into her mind. The way he saved her, the way he shouted on her, the way he held her in his arms and the way he was looking at her as if she is cherry of the cake. And at last his wordings of meeting her tomorrow.. and this thought shudder her.. is he really going to meet her. No, may be he said just to scared her but his eyes and smile told her some different story. And who was he whatever she should stay away from him. He was just unknown mad stranger.. when his step father can cast evil eyes on her then there would be many of them and may be he too. And that's what scared her more. She doesn't want to think about this so hurridly she went on her bed and then lie down covering herself with the blanket and crumbled herself like a scared kid and when she closed her tightly she again get the nightmare and she started to cry bitterly. When her foster father touching her camr in scene she hysterically woke up and then opened the side drawer and took out the sleeping pill without she can't sleep. She needed this pills whenever she get the nightmare.

Here arnav came back in his flat where he and aman reside and enter the flat with spare keys. Aman was sitting sofas. It was 4 BHK flat.. ofcourse they are gangster so there income would be like in crores. And because in normal citizen eyes they were just normal human being. Arnav knows as ASR and aman as Ammy in their gangs respectively. While in outer world they are arnav and aman. Not the other gangster group not the outer world know their others name.

He came while being lost in the dreams of that scared kitten yes that's what he named her scared kitten. And then lays down on sofa spreading his arms on sofa handle and legs in the front of glass sofa table and watching the ceiling with shining in his eyes and with a soft smile on his face. Arnav watched his this new look. Yes arnav seems different to him right now. He raised his eyebrows and with naughty smile played on his mouth too. Because arnav was looking like an alien to him. Here he was afraid why he gets late, does something happens to him but here this bro of him is having his sweet time or we say sweet dreams. He looked arnav from head to toe... Definately something to him. He thought to start the conversation

"So what took you to come so late?' he asked

Arnav first didn't heard him he was still lost in his world.. okay there something seriously wrong with him today.. aman thought because whenever they were chase by police arnav while coming here first thing will do to use abusive language to them that how they were shooting upon him and how he ran. But today he is relax as if he got some use sum of running. He again tried

"Todays deal was awesome right" he asked in the context of 6 crores winning... And again saw Arnav with one eyebrow raised and with scowl face because this time arnav chuckle a bit and replied

"The deal was on the top of all the things" he said in the context of first meet with khushi. Now aman took a back and went to thinking mode. Because definately they had won many big deals than today but Arnav... He just shakes his head again...

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now