Chapter 18

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They completed their rest of dinner. And then it was time for arnav to leave. They both didn't wanted to leave each other but this is not something which was in their hand right now. May be incoming future they will be get permanent solution for this separations. She comes with him till door. He stopped her there only because he didn't wanted her to come out. He then told her to close all the doors safely and then kissed her head again and then saying bye to each other he went from there. When he was starting his bike he saw towards her window where she was standing seeing him and waved. He too did the same and went from there. Khushi too sighing called it off night and went to sleep.


Next day went in a blink. And today is the day when annual day celebration was going to happen. Khushi was helping the students to get ready as she was working in mentally retarded school so all the children's were in need of her help. There were other staffs too but because she was the most close to children that's why she was taking extra efort of seeing each and every child. That's when Dean came to her

"Khushi it's enough child... You have taken all the things on your shoulder now let the others work too. And you go get ready it's going to be time to start the function." He completed

Khushi nodded her head and went from there to the dressing room. She sat on chair and then put out her mobile checking whether arnav has reached or not. She made call but it was cut instantly. She saw the mobile in confusion and then again tried after ringing for two times it was cut. Sighing she was going to keep it back that's when she received a message from him

'I am with some of the colleague kitten. But don't worry  I will reach before time, atleast before your performance... I am not gonna miss it."

She smiled and then she started to get ready. Nowdays she is putting extra efforts in getting ready and why not. She is not alone anymore, she has a person who admire her. Even if she knows that he will not see any other person and will not get interested in any other girl but still wants to get ready, want to look good. She came out after getting ready in long's skirt with a stall in that. It has pink blouse white skirt and white stall. The blouse was little bit crop so her little waist with belly button was visible.

 The blouse was little bit crop so her little waist with belly button was visible

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(Khushi's look)

She went towards the stage and saw from curtain if arnav has come or not. She was sneaking from the curtains here and there. And she was so lost in doing this that she didn't saw a person behind her. The person bent a little towards her ear and whispered in husky voice

"Looking for me"

And khushi got startled with the sudden intrusion. She turned suddenly and her feet got entangled with curtains she was going to fall and before she look to the person she closed the eyes in fear that's when that person hold her at right time in his strong arms. After sometime when she get relaxed and felt the same strong arms hold on her waist she slowly opened her eyes. And her hazal green eyes met with chocolate eyes. Their was ting of sparkle between that eyes lock. Both were lost in each other's shining eyes. A sweet smile was on both of the lips. They would have continued if Arnav has not get a little bit push from behind. Yes the person was Arnav. Her Arnav. He made her stand straight. And holding her waist which he loves too more than holding hands he continued

Atishay {अतिशय} ( Extreme) : An Unknown Tale (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now