- five

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After school ended, I ran straight to the bus station as I don't want to miss it. I'm already 6 minutes late and missing the bus is way out of the list right now. I had thought that the teacher would let us go early like he always do, but that didn't happen today out of all day.

Today is my first day of working at a cafe in a district I've never been to before. I had always wanted to make my own money, so that I could buy anything I want without my parents permission. Though I know my mom would still insist to buy me the things, its better if I don't tell her anything.

My shift starts at 1pm and ends at 5pm, right before the tutoring starts. Today is totally a busy day, I won't deny that. But I know this all happens for a reason.

When the bus halts to a stop, I got out of it and took my phone out of my pocket. This place is approximately 30 minutes away from my house which makes me think that I probably won't bump into anyone from my school.

I located the building using an app to get me there faster. When the sight of a beige colored store comes in sight, I put my phone away and made my way towards it. My body becomes cold because of how nervous I am, especially because I'm already late.

From afar, I could tell that the concept of the cafe is minimalist. The white signboard was placed right above the entrance with a roman font in black. The sliding door is between two Strelitzia Nicolai plants and glass windows with brown frame.

I entered the cafe as the smell of hot chocolate and other pastries went straight into my nostrils. There's a girl standing behind the counter with black apron. Her hair is black in color with blonde highlights tied up into a high ponytail. She puts on a beige beret before making eye contact with me.

"Sungchan?" She asks out of curiosity. I walk closer to her with a warm smile, hopefully it didn't look fake. "Thats me," I replied.

She asked me why I was late and I told her everything from when the teacher would always let us out early so I didn't think it would be a problem. She fully understands me since she was once in my shoes as well which made me glad.

She passed me a key to my locker in the staff room. I changed into the uniform that they had already put in the locker. White button up, brown straight cut pants, beige apron and beret.

When I got out of the staff room, at the corner of the store I saw a girl with purple hair wiping the windows and a guy with brown hair sweeping the floor.

"Sungchan come here," the girl from earlier called.

I stood next to her and listened to her. "First and foremost, my name is Yeri. Just call me noona. That boy right there is Jaehyun and the girl is Vinnie, she's from the states," she begins.

"Since you're new to all of this, I'll let you handle the pastry section and the cashier from time to time. For the pastries, just put them in a paper bag, one pastry for each paper bag. Maximum is two and that's only for the same type of pastry,"

"Here is the code you should enter for whatever the customers order. Its fine if you don't memorize them, the card here will help. Easy as that," she smiles. She holds my hand and squeezed them.

"I know you're nervous right now but its fine. The first few days would be hell, but it gets better overtime," she reassures me which helped me calm down a little. But it went back up when I heard the bell ring, indicating that someone has entered.

"Here is your first customer," she squeals. "Don't worry, I'll stand next to you. Don't forget to greet them, this is the Brew Panda cafe,"

"Hello! Welcome to the Brew Panda cafe, what would you like to order?" I placed my hand behind the cashier, trying to hide the shaking.

"One pumpkin latte and chicken sandwich please," the girl ordered.

I pressed the code for both items and told her the prize. She gave me right amount of cash and I gave her a receipt in return. After ordering, she went to sit at the table near the window.

"Sungchan! That was pretty impressive for a beginner, good job!"

"Thank you, I did try my best,"

"I can tell. I'll let you handle the cashier for now, I'll do the pastries and coffee," she smiles and walks away to go to Jaehyun. The three of them worked for the coffee and pastries, which made me excited to learn how to make them myself.

I stared at the buttons on the cashier. It had different colors for different reasons I guess. The machine looked old as well but what made me giggle was the stickers pasted on it. Sanrio stickers, a character from adventure time and also patterns of various shape.

"Excuse me," I looked up from the cashier, getting ready to greet the customer but my mouth couldn't open when I saw Donghyuck standing in front of me.

"Wow isn't it our baby deer," Jaemin pushes Donghyuck to the side and pinched my cheeks. Donghyuck laughed it off and pushed Jaemin back.

"Will I get a discount for being your friend?" Mark asked from the side. He wraps his arm around Donghyuck's neck and pulled him closer. " You promised to buy me a drink didn't you," I look at them with sadness in my eyes. Are they perhaps a thing? Or is it just affection? Even so, it made my hurt burn a little. Maybe a bit more.

"Stop it," he gets out of the hug and stood in front of me. "Sorry for the fuss but I promise you that we came here to get drinks," he said. I laughed and told him that it was fine.

I took their order all together and since they are seven people in total, I helped Vinnie, Yeri and Jaehyun prepare their order. The only difference is that I did the pastries while they made the drinks.

"Table 9!" Vinnie called out and went back to work. Donghyuck stood up from his seat to take their order which I had placed on a tray.

"Sungchan, what time does your shift ends?" He asked. There was a look of worry on his face, but I didn't take it personally. Maybe his face just looks like that.

"5pm," I responded.

"Right before the tutor starts? If I didn't come here, would you still go to the library?"

"Yea why not? It's not that far,"

"Should I change the day? I don't want you to overwork yourself, you need some rest too," he takes out a small notebook from his pocket and a pen.

"No its fine, I can handle it. I'll get the rest I need at night, don't worry hyung,"

His eyes lights up when he heard the last word. I giggled at his reaction because I knew the others would never talk to him formally.

"Drop the formalities, its making me uncomfortable geez,"

"Alright alright, have a nice drink with the others,"

"See you later at the library," he says before taking the tray.

How did I feel when he worries about me? I felt like I finally had someone to be there with me. Its weird how I feel all these emotions I've never thought I could feel before. He teaches me how to express myself even more, to interact with people, and how to enjoy life.

I know I see life as something that is not meaningful, and my perspective towards it is narrow. Donghyuck made me see every side of the grass with no area being left untouched. He opens up my perspective slowly.

Even if I could see the good things in life, my shadow still wouldn't leave me alone. My mind is still clouded by the thoughts the first thing in the morning and even before I go to sleep.

Sometimes it becomes dangerous at night, where I couldn't control myself. That is when things get worse, and because of that, I would rather stay in a long sleeve shirt to hide it. No one needs to know and it doesn't matter.

What matters is that its my problem, and I have to handle it on my own.

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