- twenty six

80 7 1

Sungchan stares at a book on the table. The teacher was teaching in front of the class yet he didn't have the strength to even open up the book. He takes out a random notebook from his bag and turn the pages without purpose.

He remembered cramping up all infos from his tutor with Donghyuck in this little book. It was a mess and unorganized but it didn't really matter to him. It was quite stressful for him to find what he's looking for sometimes but he got used to it and memorized every page.

When the book opens up to a random page, a pink sticky note was slipped in between two random pages. He didn't recall using a sticky note within the period of Donghyuck teaching him.

He unfolds the sticky note and there were doodles around it. Little bears, hearts, circles, they were all there. He didn't smile, nor did he frown. Its like nothing matters to him anymore because he was tired of caring.

you're doing amazing
baby deer!! Though u
might be taller than me

It was clearly his handwriting, Donghyuck. When the name came into his mind, Sungchan kept on hoping that the guy yesterday was Donghyuck. At least he got to see him one last time.

The boy realized that he went through a lot of emotions yesterday and now, he is confused. The moment he woke up, he was in despair. No one was home and he had to force himself to do everything. He skipped his meals because he couldn't cook.

When noon arrived, he was terrified to meet Taeyong. His head keeps on telling him that things won't work out and meeting him face to face won't solve anything. In the end, he felt better knowing that his decision was a good idea. But all of that went down to drain and now he's left a wreck.

"Class dismiss," the teacher leaves the class without saying anything. Other students were excited to go back home but Sungchan wasn't. He wanted to find Donghyuck but he knows that that is impossible knowing that he could be anywhere.

He plugs in his earbuds and walked out of school. He wondered where he would go if he was Donghyuck and the first thing that came into mind was the abandoned park. He ran as fast as he could, bumping on to strangers once in a while but that didn't stop him from running.

Once he accidentally pushed someone to the floor, he finally got back his senses. He apologized profusely to the person, offering him his hand but he pushed Sungchan away and kept on walking. The boy didn't care anymore at that point and continued running.

Upon seeing the black gate, he enters the park, hoping that Donghyuck would be there. Sungchan could already imagine the older sitting alone on a bench with a calico cat sleeping on his lap, enjoying the scratches Donghyuck was giving. He was smiling from ear to ear.

Sadly his hopes were crushed when the older was nowhere to be found. He felt like he was about to go crazy when he knows damn well that he will never find Donghyuck. He changed his phone number and he didn't even tell Sungchan where he went.

"Donghyuck where the fuck did you go," he drops to the ground, bawling his eyes out. All he could think of right now was the older, he just wanted to know if he's okay.

He stood up with all the strength he had left and the only thing he could think of is by going to his house. He knew that he could've gone there earlier but it just didn't make sense. Why would Donghyuck change his phone number when he knows that Sungchan could just stop by his house whenever he wanted to?

His mind was empty while he was walking back home. The road he would always take with the older boy. He remembered how Donghyuck would always pick on flowers from the sidewalks and tuck them behind his ear.

"Sungchan look at me! Aren't I pretty?" His figure was jumping up and down. The angelic voice he longed to hear brought him to euphoria. Sungchan laughs at the boy happily, throwing his head back but when he wanted to look at the gorgeous boy, he was already gone.

"Look at you run! What a good boy!" The voice returned once more from behind. He turns around and the figure was back. Donghyuck was sitting on the pathway, patting a small white dog. He coos at it and turned his gaze towards Sungchan. "Pat him! He'll love you,"

Sungchan grabbed a handful of his hair to pull it off. His imagination was killing him and it was slowly driving him insane. He covered his eyes, trying to get rid of the thought. As expected, the figure was gone when he opens them. "Sungchan, here!" He turns to his left and there it was again, waving at him from under a tree.

"Sungchan! Ready to go to school?" He turns around, seeing Donghyuck skipping towards him with his arms wrapped around his bag. "You know who came up with the term baby deer?" He turns to his left and flinched by how close Donghyuck was with him. "Me," he smiles cheekily.

Sungchan started panicking by how vivid it was. He ran towards his house, shoving the door open and locked it. He didn't feel safe anymore and he could feel the stares of someone. The helpless boy on the floor was paranoid. He looks around in case anyone was in his house but there wasn't. It was all in his head, he knows that, but he can't help but to think that it is real.

Sungchan never knew that things would go this bad, heck, being crazy was the last thing he could think of. He begins by controlling his breathing, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. It took him half an hour to fully relax his body and mind.

The thoughts died down and he didn't feel insecure anymore. He wanted to stay there, behind the door and never have to go anywhere but he knows doing that won't bring him anywhere.

Out of the blue, his phone started ringing, indicating that he's gotten a phone call from someone. He takes his phone out to see who it was and to his surprise, it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" He speaks slowly but the person on the other line stayed silent. Sungchan thought that he might've said it too slow. "Hello?" He speaks louder than before. Still, there was no answer. The person ended the phone call which left Sungchan confused.

"Whatever," he whispers to himself, throwing his phone on the couch.

(a/n : hello?!1?!1?1!1! 500 reads?!?!?!?!? YALL THANK U SO MUCH 😭😭)

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