- twenty one

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Another day, another test. I sat down on my chair and got my pens out, preparing myself to answer the questions. Donghyuck gave me a few tips on how to score history test days ago. I remembered most of the facts in an hour thanks to him.

When I think about it, after I've taken this test, Donghyuck will stop tutoring me which is kind of sad. His graduation is also around the corner and I'm not quite ready to see him leave yet. Spending time with Donghyuck gave me memories that I never thought I could have because most of my friends have their own clique and I don't really like to meddle in someone's life.

"Okay class put your books away and get ready for a test," Mr. Park enters the room and slammed the papers down on the table. Everyone kept their books in their own bag without hesitation and after a few minutes, he started passing out the papers. "For the love of god, please answer them seriously and not pick the same answer for all questions," he jokes which made some of the students chuckle.

"This test will go on for an hour and thirty minutes. You may start now,"


"Sungchan! I'm glad you came here in time," I smiled at the lady with black hair. I greeted her as soon as I stood next to her table. She did a little bit of work before getting back to me. Mrs Kim proceeded to take out a small box out of her bag and placed them right in front of me.

"Here, take this," she smiles, lifting it up and putting them on my hand. "There's chocolates in there to congratulate you for doing better. You can share them with Donghyuck if you want to,"

"Oh thank you so much Mrs. Kim," it felt a little awkward to receive a small gift from your teacher. It did make me feel good at some point because I don't usually get presents from someone other than my own mother.

"I also told Donghyuck earlier that he does not need to tutor you anymore. He was very happy to help you and he also said that you were very good throughout the process. I'm glad you manage to make a good impression on him because he avoids tutoring most of the time," she said briefly. She had spoken to Donghyuck before I came and it made me elated when she told me that I gave Donghyuck a good impression. "You improved a lot Sungchan. That's all I wanted to tell you, you may leave," she smiles.

I smiled back at her and bowed down. When I got out of the office, I saw Donghyuck putting in books in his locker. "Hey," I greeted from behind. He turns around and flashes a smile that could make anyone melt.

"Sungchan!" He calls my name with his voice that was gentle. "The teacher gave us these. Its a box of chocolate to congratulate my improvement," I turned my gaze to the brown box and took off the lid. Three chocolate bars from the same brand but different flavors and cubes of chocolate with various colour of plastics.

"I'll take that," he grabs one of my favourite chocolate bars out of the few which made me frown. Donghyuck probably saw my face and put it back into the box. "Sorry,"

"I was just kidding, here you can take it!" I gave it back to him. I would rather see him enjoy the chocolate happily than having all of these to myself. He did help me a lot so a bar of my favorite ones won't hurt, would it.

"Thank you," he grins like a child. "So now that the tutoring stop, I guess we don't have a reason to talk anymore," I opened the zip to my bag and placed the box in it.

"That is very funny Sungchan. I literally live next to you, what makes you think that I am going to stop talking to you?" He chuckles once again and messed up my hair. "By the way, I want to bring you somewhere cool," Donghyuck said with a little hesitation in his voice.

"But we should go back to your house first,"


Donghyuck took my bag off and threw it on a chair. He did the same to his bag and continued to sit on my bed. His legs didn't reach the ground so he started swinging them.

"Okay, do you have anything that you dislike or hate?" He puts his hand behind him to support the weight of his body.

I thought of the things that I could possibly hate, but there was nothing that popped up in my head. The skateboard in dad's office came into my thought in a second, but I don't want to say that as my answer because I know that I'll have to tell him a whole story about why I hate it.

"Don't think much about it, just say anything," he gets out of my bed and stood in front of me. "Anything that came into your mind. There must be one,"


"Not that. Something you used to enjoy but you suddenly hate it for no specific reason," when Donghyuck said that, it was as if he knew there was something I hated and he was trying to get it out of me.

"Skateboarding," the word came out of my mouth like a sigh. Right now, I just hope that he isn't going to ask me questions like what I had thought, but if he does, I'll probably end up telling him anyway.

"Do you have a skateboard with you?"


"Good! Now take your skateboard and we'll go there," he smiled happily like he's excited to go somewhere for the first time. His apple cheeks rises as the corner of his lips move upwards.

"Go where exactly?" I asked the silver-haired male beside me.

"My secret hideout!" He yells at me while running down the stairs. I picked up my phone that fell to the ground a while ago and ran out of my room to catch up to Donghyuck before he even goes further away.

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