- fourteen

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Today is the 13th of September, which is also my birthday. Today is also the day I've been waiting for. I decided to come out to my mom.

The money I made from my part-time job was now coming in handy, and probably enough to pay for the things I need, just in case mom does anything. I wasn't looking forward for this day but I had to face it eventually.

Its better to tell her early and live an easy life rather than hiding things which will be difficult. I still don't know how to approach her though. She's coming back home in just a few minutes and I could feel myself getting hot.

I pushed the blanket aside and adjusted my position to a starfish position. I stare at the white ceiling blankly with nothing in mind. The nervousness was overtaking me and I'm afraid that my mom will be disappointed of me.

My mind started making up scenarios that could possibly happen once I come out, and none of them were positive. It was killing me how coming out is basically another form of confessing. The difference is that I won't get rejected, but instead, I won't be accepted in this world.

I plugged in my earphones and listened to one of my favourite song, Control by Zoe Wees. This song really reminded me of Donghyuck, and I'm also planning to tell him about this song.

The next thing I know, I heard my moms car being parked at the front porch. I stopped the song and ran downstairs, excited to greet her, but also nervous at the same time.

I stood in front of the white door, taking deep breaths to calm myself down. When the clock strikes at 11.00 pm, I opened the door and welcomed her.

She opens the back door of the car and grabbed something from the back. "Do you need any help?" I asked, slipping on the nearest slipper and walked towards her. "Sure honey, can you help me with the cake and other bags," she smiles.

It wasn't a surprise to me that she got me cake like she would always do every time it was my birthday.
"Of course," she went inside with loads of shopping bag and when I looked inside, there were still more. I took all of them in my hand and brought them into the living room.

I put the cake on the dining table and took it out from the white box. The cake isn't big, nor is it small. "Cheesecake?" I asked her.

"Never changed," she giggles. She poured a glass of chocolate milk and placed them next to the cake. "Its almost 12am, lets get this over with before the 14th," I said.

"Don't you want your friend to tag along?"


"The boy from the other day!"

"But its already 11pm, he's probably sleeping," I sigh and grabbed two small plates for the both of us.

"Just text him. The more the merrier," she winks at me and went up to her room and changed into comfortable clothes.

[are u still awake?]

[yea whats up]

[its um my birthday today]

[really??!?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY]

[thank you 😋 my mom got me a cake
to celebrate my bday and she wanted
u to come over]

[fr??? absolutely!!! be there in a sec]

I smiled at how much energy he had this late at night. The memories from last night flashed through my mind for a quick second but I got rid of the thought. I wondered how Donghyuck got home and how he got over the hangover.

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