- twenty five

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Days had passed and the feeling Sungchan hoped to lose finally came back settling in his body. It was as if a rock of more than 20kg had dropped on his chest, it was heavy and hard to lift up.

'Get off the fucking bed,' the little voices inside of his head screams internally. The other few ones were telling him to stay. He forced himself out of the comfort of his bed and showered.

As per usual, he gets ready for school. He glances at the mirror and got closer to it. The bags underneath his eyes were getting heavier everyday and his face was swollen.

The past few days were bad for him. He cried every night without knowing why and Donghyuck's disappearance didn't make him feel any better. The older didn't even say goodbye before vanishing into thin air.

He would walk past his locker and classes, waiting for him after school in hopes that he would appear. The last thing he texted was his plans for the next two days.

Sungchan had planned things out, which is to bring Donghyuck to the nearest beach. Sadly he had to cancel it because Donghyuck promised to meet an old friend of his the exact same day. Sungchan remembered the address but that didn't matter as for now.

After the incident when the cops came to his house, they never contacted each other. Sungchan tried calling him more than 20 times but it didn't work because apparently the number does not exist anymore.

Not only was that bothering him, he even got a text from Taeyong recently. He wanted to apologize to Sungchan for being so harsh, and even if they did wanted to end their 8-year-friendship, its better off if they ended things in a good term.

Sungchan figured that he should meet Taeyong face to face to sort things out tonight. It would be a surprise visit since the younger was too lazy to text him.

At this point, he felt like his life was falling apart without Donghyuck's presence. Everything was good when Donghyuck was around but now that he's gone, everything went back in time. Those shitty mornings he had to go through and the nights when he thought that the best thing in life was to end things. He had to repeat the cycle again.

He hated when people leave him out of the blue. He hates it when people abandon him. He loathe those things because it shows that the person does not even care for him after all he's done to them to make them feel loved.

When he believed that his meetup with Donghyuck was fate, he instantly felt the missing pieces in his life was finally coming together. Though the process may be slow, yet it didn't fail to bring joy to him. Those butterflies he would feel inside of his stomach once in a while or when he felt like he was floating mid-air. He was loved by someone he loves.

But good things are bound to get destroyed whether you see it coming or not. He never thought of that when he was around Donghyuck. Now that the older is gone, so did the pieces that completed him. The pieces that once built him a home is gone, and now that 'home' is gone, same goes to his will to live.

Nothing made sense to him anymore.

He sighs when the building of his school came into view. There were students scattered around the school compound. Most of them were just hanging out but Sungchan caught a couple making out behind the walls.

Sungchan walked passed Donghyuck's group of friends but none of them seem bothered by his absence, so did everyone else. He wanted to ask Jaemin about Donghyuck's whereabouts but he didn't feel like caring at the moment. As harsh as it sounds, he would rather figure things out by himself than having to walk around and talk to people.

In just a blink of an eye, the moon finally made its arrival, illuminating the sky alongside with the stars surrounding it. Sungchan puts on a black cap and pulled the hood from his hoodie over his head. 

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