- thirty

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"Good morning sunshine," Sungchan ran his fingers through Donghyuck's soft hair, tucking the strands of hair behind his ear.

Donghyuck was still wrapped in Sungchan's blanket. The air gushing into his room was as cold as ice and he didn't feel like leaving the bed at all.
"Good morning," he replied weakly, stretching his whole body and smiled at the boy.

He attacked Sungchan with a big hug which surprised him. The younger boy landed on his back with Donghyuck on top of him. He hugged him back and they continued to cuddle on his bed.

"You know Donghyuck, I never thought we would be here today," Sungchan muttered and rested his chin on Donghyuck's head, scenting the faint smell of oasis from his hair.

"What do you mean,"

"Are you comfortable with the um- confession last night," last night events came into his mind when he was suddenly so bold to confess his true feelings towards Donghyuck. It was embarrassing now that he thinks about it.

"More than comfortable. I loved how you were so hesitant but sincere, it's cute," he giggles. A pink tint was painted across Sungchan's face and his heart was thumping loudly but slowly. Donghyuck listened to his heartbeat, it was comforting. He placed his hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat, and smiled at how both their hearts were beating in synchronization.

"Well- it's because I never thought I would come to this point in life where I would express my feelings towards you," his voice was gradually getting slower as he speaks. "I just thought that maybe- just maybe- you should consider about it..?" Sungchan wanted to know how Donghyuck felt because after the kiss they had together yesterday, he brought Donghyuck back to his house and tucked him in bed and that was it.

Donghyuck got up from the bed and crossed his legs, facing Sungchan with a weak, but genuine smile. Sungchan panicked when he realized what he had said might be too much but he kept his composure. "Well, I've thought about it since the first time we met. I realize that I like you too, but if a relationship is what you meant then I'm not ready for that. I still need my time to heal from everything. We'll start slowly, let me get to know you, and I'll let you get to know me. How does that sound?"

It broke his heart a little, like a rejection. But he understood what he meant. It was going too fast, and Donghyuck still needed space for himself. It was tough for him, tougher than Sungchan's. He didn't smile though he fully knew what he meant, he couldn't accept it. If he likes him too, then why not just be together and heal at the same time?

"I know what you're thinking. I've been there when I was with Mark. I manipulated myself into thinking that I was healing but I wasn't and in the end, I never did," he picked up Sungchan's hand and kissed them. It sent tingles throughout his body, he loved the feeling of his soft lips on his hand.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready, okay?" Donghyuck moved the hair that was resting on Sungchan's forehead away and planted a soft kiss. His eyes widened by that small act, still not used to it. Donghyuck looked at him again and pecked the corner of his lips. "Let's eat breakfast," The older boy said before leaving Sungchan alone in the room.

He was flabbergasted by his actions. His stomach started to fill up with butterflies and he felt so light at the moment. Everything was unreal for him, even when he woke up next to Donghyuck this morning. It was too good to be true, that is what he told himself.


"You know you can stay at our house for as long as you want," they were currently at a supermarket to buy groceries. Sungchan pushed the trolley behind Donghyuck, watching the boy standing in front of a fridge looking for his favorite strawberry drink. It was funny how Donghyuck looked fine and healthy after what they went through last night. But he was glad that he is.

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