- fifteen

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"Come in," it was just a few nights ago when I saw Donghyuck looking happy and telling me all about the stars. Now, he's standing right in front of my door with tired eyes. His lips were dry and his hair was in all direction. The cheeks that used to be pale is now swollen and red.

"I look disgusting don't I?" He asks in a monotone voice. He walks into my house and went upstairs to my room. I poured a glass of water for him before going upstairs. "Here drink this," he takes the glass with both of his hands and drank the whole thing.

"Wow didn't know my mouth was dry," he burps and placed the glass on the table. I sat on my bed and leaned against the headboard, Donghyuck did the same and rested his head on my chest. "Your heart is beating fast," he mumbled.

I looked away from the boy for a second to calm myself down. Donghyuck looks like a complete mess on top of me, but seeing him in this condition worries me. It hurts to see the person you love looking dejected. He looks exactly like me when I was in the darkest phase of my life. I had no hope and no one to stay with me. But I'll gladly help him out in any way I could.

He holds onto my wrist and brought my hand up, placing them on top of his head and told me to play with his hair. I was hesitant for a moment but I did say I wanted to help him, so I should do as he say. I brushed his hair softly with my hand, feeling the softness of his hair. It feels a little dead since he dyed it silver, but the roots were soft.

"You can tell me when you're ready,"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," he sighs and sit up straight. He crosses his legs and stare blankly at my door. "I uh," he covers one of his eyes and slid his hand down to his jaw, soon slumping them on his thighs.

"I broke up with Mark last night," his voice cracked, and soon his eyes started to tear up. I pulled him into a hug and pat his head gently, hearing his sobs really broke my heart.

"But what did you do to him?" he questions with a stern voice, which made me confused. "What do you mean what did I do?" I asked but he pushed me away.

"He broke up with me because of you," his eyes were deadly and it was piercing through me. "I didn't do anything," I was actually glad that Mark 'broke up' with Donghyuck because he obviously does not deserve to be treated like shit.

"You did! If you didn't then he wouldn't break up with me," the night from the party came into my mind, when I hit Mark in the face for talking shit about Donghyuck. "All I did was hit him once and that was it,"

"Why would you do that to him? Don't you understand how much I love him? I would literally die for him!" he grabs me by the shirt and shakes me aggressively. "Don't you know how hard it is for me to find someone that loves me as much as I do? And now that I lost him, how am I going to live?" His words showed me how much he's in love with Mark, but it makes me so mad how he doesn't notice all the red flags Mark was giving. Donghyuck lets the guy treat him poorly and he would still love him.

"If he loves you then he won't leave you," I let out a heavy sigh and looked at him in the eyes. "Can't you see that he manipulated you into trusting him? He took advantage of you and what I did to him was only because I hated how he treats you," I held his hands, talking as calmly as possible just to make sure we can settle things easily.

"What do you mean manipulate me? He won't ever do that! And who are you to talk shit about him when you barely even know him!" Donghyuck pulls away from me. He grabs his hair as he starts to breathe heavily. "Donghyuck are you okay," I placed my hand on his shoulder but he shoved it away.

"Why are you blaming people when its your fault! Fuck it was so stupid of me to even trust you!"

"Look, I don't know why he broke up with you but trust me on this one that it is for the best,"

Donghyuck moves away from me and just in a blink of an eye, he started crying. "Are you mad at me?" He glances at me with teary eyes. His nose became runny and the water rolls down to his lips. "I'm not,"

"If you're not, then does that mean I'm just a burden in your life?" He hugs his legs closer to his body, trying to protect himself.


"You're suppose to get mad at me!"

"Donghyuck why would I get mad at you?"

He gets off my bed and stands right in front of me. "Mark gets mad at me for doing mistakes and that is how you teach people into doing better! You hit them and scream at them! You're not suppose to talk to them calmly like this! What you're doing is wrong Sungch-"

He begins to attack me with random sentences. I don't really understand what he was trying to tell me but before he could even end his sentence, I hugged him tightly so he would stop talking. He mumbles my name into my chest and continues to bawl his eyes out, wetting my t-shirt. I wrapped one of my arm around his waist and the other one around his head, running my fingers through his hair. I rested my cheeks on top of his head, smelling the faint scent of strawberries from his hair.

"I hate you.. I fucking hate you Sungchan," he mumbles again.

Even though Donghyuck didn't tell me what was going on in his life, his words already told me his story. Donghyuck had mistaken those aggressive act as love. He was treated badly since he was a kid, and that's why he fell for Mark's manipulation easily.

I might not go through whatever he was going through because I grew up in a decent family, but mom thought me this since I was a little kid. She told me to listen to a person closely and analyze them especially when they're mad. The way they talk and the way they behave can tell me in what kind of environment they live in.

My conclusion might be wrong about him living in a toxic household unless he tells me about it. I don't want to pressure him into talking about his family, but I hope one day he would have the courage to tell me, or anyone else, his story.

"Sungchan- was I wrong this whole time?" He asked but I didn't really know what to say or tell him. Should I be straightforward?

"Are you even ready to accept the truth?" I giggled at him as I held his cheeks, wiping away the tears that stained them. "I'm tired of crying though," he replies weakly.

"You should lay down and get some rest, I'll get you something to eat," I smiled at him, in which he returns the smile.

He lays down on my bed and buried himself comfortably under the blanket. I went downstairs and cut up a few fruits such as strawberries and mangoes. I went back up to my room to give him the fruits but he was already asleep. His snores were so loud it could probably wake anyone up. I laughed upon seeing the sleeping boy and closed the door slowly. I stroll down the stairs and enjoyed eating the fruits alone.

I'm glad that he still chose to come to my house and confront me about how he broke up with Mark specifically because of me. It was a good choice for Mark to let him go because now I can finally rest peacefully knowing that Donghyuck is out of a toxic relationship.

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