7. Training camp (angst)💔

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Summary: you plan on confessing Asahi at the camp. But unforeseen circumstances makes you rethink your decision and question your chances with him.

A week went by after you stayed over at Asahi's. You'd say, things were going very well between you two as you frequently visited Asahi to keep him company.

"I'll ask him out at the camp." You said to Mikoto. "Aren't you guys coming too?" You asked
Yeah, we'll be leaving with you. At practice, you call out to the team and hand them the itinerary.

"The food sounds great!" Hinata squealed. "Oi chibi, you're going there to practice, not eat." Tsukishima teased him. "Be sure to reach school tomorrow at 4 am as we'll leave by 4:30 in the morning. Don't be late. Hinata please take your travel sickness medicine. Also, Tanaka, Nishinoya, please behave as the girl's volleyball team will be on the same bus as us too." Tanaka and Nishinoya gave a salute. "I'm a taken man, I wouldn't set eyes on another woman" Tanaka swore.

"See you tomorrow!" You said to Yachi as you started to walk off in the direction of your home with Suga, Mikoto, Daichi and Asahi. "Hey, before I forget, here's your hoodie" you gave Asahi his hoodie back earning an awe-struck glare from the other three as they stop in their tracks. "Hol'' up. why did you have his hoodie in the first place?" Suga asked like a teacher. "Well the other day, I was alone at home so I spent it with Asahi...." You said stuttering as you were cut off by Suga once more. "Oh so we're on first name basis and spending alone time."

Asahi couldn't take it anymore and dragged Suga and Daichi away from you and started talking quietly. He told them about the other day. "What!?!" "Why didn't you tell us" they talked but none of it was audible to you. You went home and packed for the next day.
Next day-

"Ohayo mina" you greeted everyone. You could see Tanaka and Nishinoya energetic as always. Yamaguchi was sleeping on Tsukishima's shoulder. The girls team were discussing among themselves. Everyone was either sleepy or chatty. On the ride to Tokyo you sat beside Mikoto but then exchanged your seat with Suga to let him spend time with her and sat beside Yachi.

You were greeted by the Nekoma captain Kuroo along with Hinata's friend Kenma. "You've got a new manager?!? And she's cute too!" A boy with a blonde Mohawk cried. "Don't worry about him (y/n) san, we're better than their team now" Tanaka said proudly.

The practice matches looked very tough. The boys were playing 30 sets a day. Exhaustion was evident as the Tokyo teams were very good at their plays. You were busy noting down the points and improvements, filling bottles, helping with the lunch. You made new friends with the managers of other teams. You knew one of them named Haruka as she was Kiyoko's cousin.

During lunch you met the girls from the girl's volleyball club as well as the managers. You all slept together in the girl's dorm. While having dinner the next day you all were gossiping with each other, and chattering with the managers as Haruka introduced you to Saori, the Shinzen High manager.

"Xyz has a crush on Akaashi oh my god" "you have a crush on Lev too" the girls were telling each other who they thought was cute. "Saori chan here has a crush on this particular Karasuno boy hehehe" Haruka giggled with the other girls. "Haruka! Don't tell it everyone." Saori complained. "Who is it?" One of the girls asked. "The tall one, very manly" she said. You were called by Yachi and you excused yourself and went to her, thinking about Saori's crush. You told Yachi about it and were guessing who it was. "Well if it's tall then she's not talking about Hinata or Nishinoya-san" Yachi joked.

After dinner you were going to go to the boy's room and discuss the play and everyone's performance from today. You met Suga, Yamaguchi and Nishinoya outside the rooms. As you walked down the hall, you knocked on doors to see if any of your teammates were there in other rooms. You found Kageyama and Daichi talking to the Nekoma captain and setter as you asked them to come with you. All of you left together.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now