12. Date🏮☁️

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Summary: Asahi takes you on a date to a festival. Lots of fluff

"So you're telling me, you and Asahi haven't gone on a date yet?" Michimiya asked you during lunch. You nodded. Everyone looked at Asahi who looked very scared. "Well, we couldn't go because of all the practice!" Asahi complained. "That is true, we haven't gone on a date in a month as well." Suga said, complaining.

The volleyball team was working hard as the nationals were only two and a half months ahead. It was mid November, the weather had started to get chilly. You only met Asahi after practice at his place for dinner or stayed over at his place at weekends.

"Why don't you go out after practice?" Kiyoko asked. "I bet they're doing the dirty deed" Mikoto teased you two as you went red. "Please we literally just started dating like 2-3 weeks ago. I don't think we've even kissed properly." You murmured the last bit. Asahi was quiet all the time.

On the walk home after practice, Asahi held onto your hand, as he was a bit shy about PDA and didn't do anything else much. You didn't mind tho, you liked being closer to him in the comfort of privacy. "(Y/n), I'm sorry I didn't take you out on a date yet. To be honest, I've been planning something for some time now." He admitted reluctantly.

You slapped your hands to your mouth. " 'Sahi! You didn't have to! I didn't mind not going out. We have plenty of time. I understand the pressure you're under." you brought his hand closer and kissed it. "Thanks for understanding" he smiled at you.

The coming Saturday, Asahi asked you to meet him in the morning. He pulled out a car from his garage. "Wait you know how to drive?!" You asked amazed. "I gave the test in January, it finally came last month."

"Where are we going? Am I dressed appropriately? Oh god I'm wearing sneakers" you rambled on before Asahi put a hand on your shoulder. "You look perfect (y/n) don't worry, you'll know where we're going when we reach there." He assured.

You arrived at an old village. There were a lot of trees and temples/shrines on the way. Upon making a turn, you were now driving on a broader road, the beach visible on the right.

Look there's an autumn festival, we can hang out in the evening. They have a lantern display at night. Your eyes glowed at Asahi, feeling overwhelmed at how well planned the date was. You took Asahi's hand in yours and kissed it muttering a "thank you" under your breath. He blushed and withdrew his hand away placing it on your thigh. Upon realising, he blushed and moved it to the gear but you grabbed it and placed on your thigh again. Both of you blushed, neither looking at the other.

You got off at a temple which was apparently famous. You wandered around with other tourists as you saw the beautiful stone carvings and sculptures on the temple. You took pictures. "Look here" Asahi called as you turned and he clicked a picture of you. "Asahi!" You blushed as he showed you your picture. You looked very cute in the skirt ,tank top and cardigan you were wearing. "You look so pretty" he said slipping his hand in yours. "You're one to say, you're prettier!" You agressively complimented him. It was true. He looked like a snack with the shirt, his sleeves rolled up and his hair half up and half down. He blushed a bit too.

Soon it was afternoon and you went down to the Sushi place. You sat down as you ordered. "People will soon start coming in" Asahi said. "Have you been here before?" You asked him. "Yeah, this is my mom's hometown. She lived here before coming to Sendai for studies. My grandparents live in the village. I used to come here for the festival when I lived with them during holidays." He told you. You ate the tasty sushi and headed for the beach.

You walked along the beach which was very cold for your liking but Asahi told you stories about how he'd come down here with his grandfather when he was little. The view of the sunset was gorgeous as you asked someone to take a picture of you two which later became Asahi's lock screen. You held onto him because you were getting colder.

The festival was beautiful. The orange, yellow and red leaves looked stunning as they looked like the landscape was on fire. There were people coming in from everywhere as it got darker. You and Asahi got matching rings from a stall and enjoyed some of the traditional food there. You played some games and won a small keychain that you attached to Asahi's bag.

"Asahi! Is that you?" An elderly woman called out when you two were walking. "Obaa-san! Oji-san! You both came?" Asahi exclaimed, his face lit up as he bowed down to them before hugging them both. "Look at how big our Asa-chan has become. He even grew a little beard." His grandmother said pulling his cheeks. "(Y/n) these are my mother's parents." Asahi introduced you to them. "Hajime mashite" you bowed as you smiled at them both. "He has a cute girlfriend too!" His grandmother pulled you in for a hug. You smiled and blushed realising he hasn't introduced you to his parents yet and neither have you. "Ojisan obaa-san, this is my girlfriend (y/n)" Asahi introduced you.

'My girlfriend' that's so cute to hear from his mouth. You felt strange. You four talked for a while when his grandfather said, "it's almost time for the lanterns. Come lets go see them." He said as you walked towards the sea. He bought two lanterns and gave one to you. "Couples who light these are said to stay together for a long time. Me and your grandma always light one every year." His grandfather said. You both blushed, it's not like you believe in superstitions but it was a cute tradition so why not follow it, is what you said to Asahi as you lit one of the lanterns and released it in the water.

The scene looked breathtaking as the sea was full of lanterns like the scene in tangled. Music could be heard from the band playing nearby. It was like a movie. Soon Asahi's grandparents decided to leave after bidding you two farewell. "Sorry for their intrusion, I know it was supposed to be just us two." Asahi spoke. "Are you kidding? It was so nice to meet them. They're really sweet also we got to do the lantern thingy because of them" you blushed saying that. "Should we leave? It's a long road ahead." Asahi asked you as you agreed and returned to your car.

Asahi drove on the cold and empty roads. You removed your shoes and put your feet on Asahi's lap, shifting in your seat, back to the window, facing Asahi. He looked over at you and gave you a warm smile as he placed his hand on your leg. "Can I stay over?" You asked Asahi knowing well he won't say no to you. "You can always stay over you don't have to ask baby" he said looking at the road. "Okay asa-chan" you teased laughing as he sighed at the name.

When you reached home, you raided his closets to find some comfy jumpers and sweatpants that were both too big for you. You were pulling your cardigan off in front of Asahi. He blushed before looking away and told you to 'atleast wait till I leave!'. You stuck your tongue out. As he got up to leave, his phone rang He picked up with the speaker on, "You didn't tell me you were going to the festival!!! And you have A GIRLFRIEND NOW?!?" His mother yelled on the phone. You chuckled and he went downstairs to let you change.

"I didn't tell her much about you. I'll tell her when you're ready, I won't rush you." He said as you walked downstairs to the living room where he was sitting. "Yeah I won't force you tho, you can tell her if you like. Now go get changed I'll make us something to eat." You told him as he kissed your forehead before going to his room.

You thought about the thought of telling your parents about the relationship and started to think about the other things that you two would probably do in the future like meeting his parents, going to the school trip, introducing him to your parents, nationals, going to college and sex!" Your breath hitched at the last thought as you blushed to yourself.

"(Y/n) why are you blushing?" Asahi asked as he came downstairs. "Nothing" you smiled to yourself.

Hiiiiiiii~ so the story will be a bit slow for the next two chapters as not much volleyball will be involved but there will be a lot of fluff and spice (hehe)

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Till next time, jaane!

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now