28. Asahi's family💗💔

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About 10-15 days later from the whole college application ordeal, you and Asahi had finally got a chance to go on a date. After the date Asahi heads to his house alone and looks at the door which was unlocked.

"Ah Asahi you're home!"
Asahi snapped out of his thoughts to see his older brother in the living room with his mother. "Aki-chan! Oka-san! When did you get here?" Asahi came in and smiled at them both. "I have a holiday for tomorrow and the day after is a Saturday so we thought we should stay over for two days!" Asahi's mom came out of the kitchen and gave Asahi a hug. "It's good to come back to a house with y'all in it." He smiled back.

"Asahi, I know you have unique taste in clothes, but this surely can't fit you" Asahi's brother Akihiro picked up the tank top you left at his place the last time you went on a date. He covered his face in his hands blushing wildly. "Our shy boy is having fun with his new girlfriend it seems. So when can we meet her." He teased him. "Ugh will you ever stop pestering me with that? I don't want it to be awkward if she isn't ready to meet you yet." Asahi said as he sat on the lunch table. He dropped the subject as they sat down to eat lunch.

(Y/n) my mother and brother
have came over and will be
staying over till saturday evening.

Oh! You must be so happy.
Stop texting me go spend
time with them.

Asahi 🥺❤️
They keep asking to meet you.
Please don't swing by here sorry
for troubling you.

But I never said I don't want to
meet them 👉👈

You'd meet with them?😳

If it's okay with you

Well ofcourse! I'd love for you
to meet them. Plus they'd get off
my back.

Then I can come over day after
tomorrow if it's okay with you.

I'll talk to them and let you know
Byeee ❤️


You kept the phone away and started to panic. You didn't talk much about his family, but he was pretty close to his mother and his brother. His dad was a sensitive issue though so he never spoke about him much. The next day you met the girls at lunch near the swimming pool.

"Girls, I need help" you said. "So you two have finally decided to have sex and want my advice! Don't worry, just do a lot of foreplay and make sure you wear a condom. You don't need to worry. We've all seen how huge his dong is so-" "please stop" you said interrupting Mikoto before she said the part. "We've had sex, also that's not the problem at hand. The thing is, I'm meeting his parents tomorrow." You said dreading the thought.

"That's it? Well that's not really a problem. I've met Suga's parents, they know we're dating." Mikoto said. "same" Kiyoko nodded. "I've met Tanaka's mom and sister. They were pretty sweet to me." Kiyoko said. "But do you think it's going too fast? Idk how I should feel about it" you said. "(Y/n) everyone has their own pace, there's no hard and fast rules as to when things should be done." Kiyoko explained calmly. "Don't worry it'll be alright. It's more about Asahi than his parents." Mikoto said supportively.

The next day you made pie for the dinner that Asahi's family invited you to. You went over his house. You waited after knocking as the door was opened by a tall boy. He had brown hair and brown eyes. "Asahi, your girlfriend is here" he called as Asahi ran tripping over to the door. "(Y/n)! Asahi smiled looking at you. "(Y/n) this is my brother Akihiro, nii-chan this is my girl-girlfriend (y/n)" he said shyly. "It's nice to meet you Akihiro-san" you chirped as he pulled you inside putting an arm around your shoulder. "Please call me Hiro!" He was more talkative and confident than Asahi, but they both had a striking resemblance.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now