Random Headcannons

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If you two were dating:

Asahi likes to get you little accesories or piece of clothings every once in a while. He asks you to try them on because he thinks it'll look great on you.


You both go thrift shopping for dates and style each other. He sometimes gets stuff and then alters them or makes a new piece out of it for you.


Asahi actually had a crush on you ever since Suga introduced you two back in the beginning of your junior year. He just thought that you had a partner so he never approached you.


Kisses on the top of your head.

Like to be the little spoon. His favourite position is when you're sleeping on him, your face in his neck or vice versa.


Random headcannons-

Unlike popular belief, Asahi is not always nervous, he's just easily scared of things. He has a very delicate heart so it's easy to hurt him emotionally.

Asahi is great at drawing. You once found a sketchbook that had only your sketches. When you asked him he got embarassed and tried to convince you that he wasn't being creepy. You thought it was cute though.

Asahi has a lot of razors and shaving blades. He actually cares a lot about his beard so your bathroom basin always has atleast one shaving razor on it.

Asahi is actually pretty strong, he can easily lift 60-65 kgs (about a 140 pounds) overhead. He can run fast and has great stamina too. He is very inflexible though.

Asahi normally smells like aftershave.

Asahi has that thin line of body hair that trails down from his belly button to his crotch. (In my personal opinion that's very sexy and cute)


He's definitely scared of loud thunder and darkness. He's also scared of angry dogs. (This is canon)

He's the type of person who always wears sweaters but is not actually all that cold.

His favourite icecream flavour is caramel or matcha.

He's tired of being made fun of but he doesn't mind it when his friends do tease him or tell him to man up.


Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now