36. Drunk Asahi😳☁️

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"Still not gonna talk huh?" Asahi asked with a cross face. It's been 3 days since the incident at college and you had acted distant with Asahi. And now was the 72838th intervention by Asahi, who was constantly asking you what's wrong and tried to get a response out of you. But you gave short and cold answers.

"I told you nothing's wrong." You said in a low cold tone.
"And you expect me to believe that?" Asahi asked now his hands crossed on his chest as he sat directly in front of you as if he was scolding you.

You were doing this for two reasons:
First because you thought this was for the best, that you'd only hold Asahi down if you didn't break up with him to give him a chance to date a better person than you.
Second, that you were preparing yourself for the future breakup that was going to come after he realises that there's better people for him than you.

".....whatever he sees in you will not stay for long. Guys only want one thing, and that's a sexy body. Even if he says he loves you, I know he's gonna come to me one day, because all of them do, after they get tired of ugly hags like you.
Don't forget, your love and you- are replaceable...."

The girl from Asahi's college's words rung in your head for the past 3 days. "Fine. I have to go to this party arranged for the Volleyball team because of the win yesterday. I'll meet you at night, I hope you will talk then." He said after he got up from his spot in front of you and kissed you head.


You stared at the clock on the wall of the convenience store waiting for the last 15 minutes of your shift to end. Just then you got a call from Asahi's friend Nakamura. "Yes, Nakamura san, what can I help you with?" You said.

"Well, actually, Asahi here got drunk and I think I should drop him off home. Are you there? I don't think he can tell the room passcode in this state. He keeps calling your name." He said, shouting, because there was loud music in the back. "What? Yes! I'll be home in 20 minutes. Please drop him off!" You said worried. After you asked your friend to close for you, you ran to your house.

Nakamura reached as well in another 5 minutes as he helped Asahi walk to your apartment. "He keeps on blabbering stuff, especially after he met with that crazy girl who fought with you. Please take care of him. I think he drank a lot, everyone kept offering him drinks because he scored the most points." Nakamura said. Then he left. Your heart sank at the mention of THAT girl. Your mind started coming to the worst conclusions of what could've happened between Asahi and that girl.

"Haiii.... Who r yiuuuu?.... Where's mai girlfriend?" He said plopping on the couch. "Asahi, you reek of alcohol. How much did you have?" You asked helping him take off his jacket. "Not a lottt... I *hic* only had 2..." He said putting up 4 fingers. You facepalmed yourself.

"Miss... Wher is mai girlfriend??? She livs wid me..." He said scrunching his eyebrows because he couldn't see well. "Asahi I AM your girlfriend." You said taking off his shoes now. "Noooo thees is not her clooothes... She wears my hoooodie" he said pointing at your work uniform that you didn't get to change out of. You tossed the shoes near the door.

"Did you have fun?" You asked now chuckling at a drunk Asahi. He never got drunk because he was so tall and big, he held his alcohol well, but he wasn't really a fan of drinking either. But why he decided to down all this alcohol today was what you questioned.

"Nouuuuu, it wasn't fun at all. The main team didn't even make it, so it was all strange- *hic* strangers. Plus my girlfriend is sad and mad at me." He pouted. You realised a socially anxious introvert like Asahi probably didn't like parties all that much.

"But misss, you knowwww *hic* my girlfren, she's very nice. She's real cute even when she's mad hehe." He said smiling to himself. "She thinks that she's not gud enuff, but I luv 'er sho much ma'am." He said now grabbing your shoulders. Your breath hitched.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now