14. Christmas!🦌💔☁️

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Summary: Due to unforeseen reasons, your plans of celebrating Christmas Eve with Asahi get trampled, leading to some lover's quarrels. A little bit of angst and lots of fluff!

"Wow it's starting to snow!" You pointed from the tall glass walls when you and the girls were drinking hot cocoa at a cafe the day before Christmas Eve after shopping for presents.
"So what are your plans for Christmas?" You asked everyone.

"Gonna cuddle up with Daichi" Michimiya smiled.

"Me and Suga are planning on leaving for the inn in the mountains." Mikoto said.

"I'm spending it with Family." Kiyoko said. The boys were supposed to meet in the morning.

While on the walk home you gave out a loud groan as Asahi had to spend Christmas alone. You walked home sulking and called your boyfriend when you reached home.

"By the way, why aren't you celebrating it with your parents?" You asked him.
"Well every year my dad has to go on this trip arranged by his company but mom stays with me. But this year she decided to go with him as she thought I'll be spending it with you." He explained.
"Ugh Why didn't neechan get a holiday? Now I have to help aunty instead of her for the Christmas dinner and I'll probably not get to spend as much time with you tomorrow" You groaned.

"It's okay (y/n)" Asahi said.
"You know you're a little too okay with being alone. Wait, I'll come to your place after I help her! I mean it would be late but I can surely make it before midnight." You beamed.

"(Y/n) I told you it's okay if we don't meet. Don't come this late in the night it's not safe." He said.
"Why are you being like this? Do you not want to spend it with me?" You said slightly angry at him.

"What! Why would you think that! Don't decide things on your own!" he yelled back.

You flinched at the loud voice "Don't yell at me. You know what, this is way too stressful for me, I'll talk to you later. Goodnight" you ended the call annoyed, on the verge of crying, at the thought that maybe he didn't want to spend it with you afterall and wanted to spend it with his family instead.

Baby don't be like this. I'm sorry I shouted I didn't mean to.
Seen 10:46

On the Christmas Eve morning you woke up frustrated. You didn't text Asahi the whole day, yesterday's conversation still going around in your head as you and your brother reached your aunt's. You helped her make dinner for her family that was going to come as well. She was your mother's sister who always helped your mom ever since your dad left. Around 4 pm, you had finished 60% of the job as the door rang and you ran to open the door.
"Neechan! You're here early!" You exclaimed as you hugged her. This meant you could go to Asahi's. You fidgeted for sometime contemplating whether you should go or not. You opened your messages to see some from Asahi.


Hey the guys just left we had fun today!

Are you still coming over?

Don't come alone if it gets late just call me I'll pick you up okay?

Sorry for yesterday, please don't misunderstand I'd love nothing more than to spend today and tomorrow with you

Call me

You read the messages and decided to go afterall. Since it was just evening you said goodbye to your aunt, sister and brother after giving them their gifts and left for Asahi's.

You rang the bell as you waited near his house. It was 5:30 and it had just started to get dark. Asahi opened the door looking confused and flustered.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now