24. Road Trip! pt.1💗

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"Turn the music up Driver-san!" Suga yelled from his seat. "I'M NOT YOUR DRIVER" Daichi yelled while momentarily looking back and almost crashing into a tree. You looked outside. You were driving on a calm and aloof road, not a lot of vehicles along with y'all. You had left for the trip to Yokohama early in the morning. A week before the trip you and Suga had the idea of travelling by Daichi's van and making it a road trip instead of going by train. This meant Daichi, Asahi and Suga had to drive turn by turn. So here you were. Sitting at the back seat of a slightly cramped mini bus/van that Daichi's family owned because he has a big family (he has 4 younger siblings so that makes 7 people approx).

Daichi was driving, beside him was Kiyoko. Asahi, Michimiya sat in the middle seats, whereas you, Suga, Tanaka and Mikoto being the rowdiest of the bunch sat at the back making mischief. "Driver-chan drive carefully you could have us killed!" Mikoto teased him furthermore as you all laughed. "I feel like a dad taking his unruly kids to a family trip" Daichi said huffing, eyebrows together, concentrating on the driving.

"If you're the dad, then that makes us your kids and Michimiya-san our mom" Suga laughed. "But Daichi is still Michi's daddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Mikoto said which sent you all howling in laughter. "Hey! Mikoto! let that man drive in peace he's gonna crash us all. I shouldn't have left my phone unprotected when he called me" Michimiya blushed. "Anyway it's been 3 hours already let's switch drivers after we get lunch" Daichi complained. You and Kiyoko were searching for a diner to have lunch in. After 15 minutes you stopped at a diner which was in the market of a small town along the highway. It was bustling with customers who were all sorts of tourists making pitstops for food.

After eating, you grabbed some candies from the shops in the market and sat in the van. Suga was driving now and it got quiet because everyone was dozing off after eating all the nice food. You could see Mikoto and Suga in the front seat talking and laughing softly over the soft music playing. Tanaka- Kiyoko and Daichi- Michimiya in the back seats dozing off, in their boyfriends' arms. The road narrowed down until it opened to a bigger road, the beach on the side. "Asahi look the ocean!" You said as he leaned over the window to see it. Little kids were playing in the sand, locals taking a stroll along the evening coolness, some couples here and there, the local shops looking beautiful in the orange sunlight.

Asahi snapped some quick pictures and videos. He put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in. You were actually surprised because you weren't used to Asahi showing pda. You kissed his cheek which obviously made him blush but he just leaned his head on yours and closed his eyes. It was a nice moment. You wished that you could live here forever. Among your loving and fun friends, in the arms of your love.

You woke up when the van stopped at a lodging. You had reached Yokohama and it was dinner time. You popped out of the van and stretched. "Ahhh the weather is so nice. It's warmer than Miyagi♡" your eyes sparkled at your surroundings. It was a beautiful Onsen Ryokan. You got it for cheaper rates as it was a bit farther into the village and mountains.

"Let's check in, and then head to the restaurant." Asahi said picking up yours and his luggage (ugh such a gentleman).
Asahi and Daichi checked in and you had booked 2 rooms. Each room had two bedrooms and one common area. So you and Mikoto jumped and called dibs for the same room which left Michimiya and Kiyoko for the other room. As yall we're gonna share the room with y'all's boyfriends, you-Asahi and Mikoto-Suga took one room. Kiyoko-Tanaka and Michimiya-Daichi took the other room.

After putting your luggage down, y'all went to a restaurant a few steps away from the hotel. It was fairly quiet so you all ordered while talking about tomorrow's plans. "So we are going to the Ramen museum in the city and after lunch we'll be going to the Sea paradise. At night we'll go to Minato Mirai!" Daichi explained showing the location on his phone while you all waited for your food to arrive. The food arrived and you all joked around while downing it all.

"Hey it's still pretty early what should we do?" Tanaka asked, it was just 8pm afterall. "You can go down to the beach. It's a bit cold but you young ones can bear it. The fireflies look very pretty." The old man at the counter told you. You thanked him after asking the directions and set off on foot. It was a 5-7 minute walk but you required 10 because you all were full. After you arrived at the beach you understood what the grandpa at the counter meant. The sea was calm, although it was cold, the fireflies twinkling in the moonlit darkness.

You all sat down at the rocks farther away from the shore. "Ahhh this feels nice" Michimiya said stretching and then hugging Daichi. "Yeah we don't get to see beaches that much back home." Kiyoko said wrapping her hands around her knees. After a while Suga and Mikoto took off early because Mikoto got cold. After some time Asahi asked if you would like to take a walk on the beach so you both left the other 4 and walked on the beach.

You slipped your hand in his, to which he tightened his grip. You walked around giggling and blushing all the time collecting seashells and talking about nothing and everything. When you returned to the hotel, you saw that the others had already gone into their respective bedrooms/rooms. So you unlocked the main door to your shared room with Suga and Mikoto. It was a living room of sorts with television and a sofa, on either sides of the room was one bedroom each. So you and Asahi took the left one and Suga took the right one.

As you entered the living room you could hear loud clapping and banging noises. "Hey whats that?" Asahi said making a confused face. "Sugar...ahh yesss.... Nnnnhgg..." Your face flushed red upon understanding the situation. Without making any eye contact with Asahi you quickly yanked the keys out and fumbled with the lock. You opened it and rushed inside Asahi behind you and closed the door with a loud thud.

"Pfft.... BAHAHAHA.." Asahi laughed out loud falling on the bed, clutching his stomach. "Stop laughing it was so awkward. Now every time I see them I'll think of this... Thank god we can't hear it here." You said walking inside. After that you just changed and went to sleep because you had a long day ahead tomorrow.

The next day was spent doing touristy things. The ramen museum was quite entertaining as you'd never seen something like that. You took funny pictures at the booths. After lunch at a restaurant, you headed to the aquarium. It was huge and we'll constructed. It looked surreal when the sunrays passed through the water above your head in one of those underwater cave thingies. At night you bought some souvenirs and saw the Minato Mirai. You and Asahi got t-shirts from a thrift shop.

After a tiring and exciting day you returned to the hotel at around 8 pm. "HOT SPRING TIME!" You and Mikoto yelled as you girls undressed and went to the women's side of the hot spring. The water was hot and it relaxed your muscles which made you forget the whole day's tiredness. "Michimiya.... What's the matter? You seem quiet..." Kiyoko asked looking as to why Michimiya had gotten quieter.

"How do you guys know that you love your boyfriends...?" She asked looking blankly into the sky. "Well I knew I loved Tanaka when he took care of me... He's always there for me." Kiyoko replied smiling to herself. The others didn't seem to notice but you saw a worried expression on Michimiya's face. You didn't want to pry so you didn't answer further. "Hmmm must be nice to be so sure of yourself" Michimiya said in a low voice.

After taking a bath, you all ate dinner. Tired from the whole say of excursion, everyone went to their rooms. "Asahi, did Daichi say anything wierd? Like about Michimiya?" You asked. "Not really." He said changing into some comfy clothes, the temperature had dropped significantly and it became colder. "Hmmm maybe she's tired... I'm not although...." You looked at him suggestively.
"(Y/n) you always have a lot of energ- oh-!" He stopped realising what you were insinuating.

The night's still young afterall.


This is a two part chapter, so stay tuned I'll upload the next one soon, it's JUIIICCYYYYY

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