26. Michimiya cheated?💔

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You walk awkwardly to the empty park, the sun was setting. You, Mikoto and Kiyoko sit down on a bench, only Michimiya standing. "Guys, I think I did a bad thing...."

After about 20 mins of her explaining, how she basically had a crush on Daichi but even before that she was in love with Suzuki. So when she accidentally confessed to Suzuki after reluctantly starting to date Daichi, Suzuki made a move and she didn't resist. In her defense, she was 'in love' with Suzuki and she knew it was wrong but she couldn't hold herself back. Apparently she was going to tell Daichi initially and break it off when she first kissed Suzuki but she 'just couldn't'. And now after seeing us all in our happy relationships, she finally wants to be official with Suzuki and break it off with Daichi.

You could see Mikoto's and Kiyoko's fist closed tight, enraged. "I think it's time. Don't lead him on any longer. Please tell him the truth. Today itself." Kiyoko said sternly, you had never seen her this angry.
"...okay..." Michimiya said embarassed as she apologized and walked towards Daichi's house.

"This is not gonna end well..." Mikoto said her face making an unreadable expression. "Well of course, they're going to break up..." Kiyoko said but you could tell that Mikoto was not talking about them.

You went home and got a text on the girl's gc from Michimiya later at night how she had told all the truth. You didn't know how to react so you left her on read. During dinner you got a text from Asahi asking you to call him.
Call between you and Asahi-

"I think you know what happened"-Asahi

"Yes I have an idea. Who told you?"-you

"Well Daichi called Suga and me two hours ago. When I reached there he was in Suga's arms crying. It really was sad. Although Suga looked even more heartbroken in my opinion."-Asahi

"Huh? What do you mean?"-you

"Well, I understand Daichi, but Suga was different today. I don't know how to explain it. He told me he could handle it alone and asked me to leave so I gave them their space. I think he's staying over at his place today."- Asahi

"It's okay, they're close friends, I guess they like each other's company. Let's meet him tomorrow to cheer him up."-you

You said you goodbyes and ended the call when you got a message from Mikoto.
"(Y/n), can we talk tomorrow, I think I'm not okay." You called her and heard her voice, she was crying.
"Mikoto! What happened? Why are you crying? Talk to me." You said concerned.
"Meet me before we go to meet Daichi tomorrow, I'll explain." She said. You consoled her confused before falling on the bed exhausted.


The next day, you met Mikoto near her house before lunch, when you were going to meet Daichi. "Let's walk" Mikoto said, her eyes puffy.
"Mikoto what is the matter? I'm pretty sure you aren't that upset about their relationship" you asked. She didn't reply.

"(Y/n) I'm sure you know that Suga is Bisexual." Mikoto said. Yes you knew that.
"The other day, I did a "break up" prank on Suga and Daichi was literally the first person he called. That's when I knew..." She told.
"Uh huh.." you said still confused to what she was insinuating.

"Well, I think Suga has always been in love with Daichi. It's obvious isn't it?" Mikoto said biting her lip.
"Huuuh? What? And you came to that conclusion because of that prank?" You said not believing what she was saying.

"No it's deeper than that. Y/n you've been Suga's friend for a long time but I was his friend for longer than that. During the beginning of our second year, he had randomly said how he liked Daichi, romantically. But he couldn't confess because he feared that Daichi didn't sway that way and he would creep him out" Mikoto explained. You were shocked, but the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. Suga was afterall pining for his captain. Although now wasn't the time to think that, or even confess that you think she's right. Now was the time to console your best friend.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now