35. You are replaceable💔

542 13 9

Kinda angsty :,-)

Living with Asahi was comfortable. Mostly because he was a fairly organized individual and he did most of his work by himself. So you didn't have to worry about doing the dishes, folding your clothes or the food and so on. In turn, you did the laundry and cleaning and sometimes the cooking. Most of the day you two were outside, so you only met at nights. But it was nice, coming home to you boyfriend, sleeping and eating with him, seeing how he was at home. You were happy. Until...

Timeskip: 2 weeks.

You had the first lecture off so you stayed in bed longer today. But your sleep was interrupted by a phone call, from your boyfriend who went to his college before you even woke up. You groaned as you picked it up. "(Y/n) please do me a favour." He sounded desperate. "What?" You asked, still sleepy. "Actually I forgot the pendrive at home and I have a presentation. Can you drop by here before going to college please? Pretty please?" He said. You chuckled. "Okay, I'll call you when I get there." You said. "Thank you so much y/n! Really thank yo-" you hung up as he blabbered on.

After getting ready, you grabbed the pendrive and your bag and set off to Asahi's College. It was still pretty early so you called as you got near his gate. "Can you give the pendrive to Nakamura? Him and Himeko will meet you there." He said. Nakamura and Himeko were Asahi's good friends/classmates and you had met them 2-3 times so you knew them.

As you were waiting for them, you got a text from your friend saying the next lecture had gotten cancelled, so now you had the entire day free. You wondered if it'd be okay if you spent it at Asahi's College. When you were in thought, you could hear Himeko's familiar voice.

"Y/n chan! Kochi kochi!" She shouted waving her hand vigorously. You ran over and gave the pendrive to Nakamura. "I'll have to go, but Asahi asked me to tell you to wait around for 15 minutes more he'll come meet you. You can hang out with Himeko till then. I have to go, our group presentation is next up. Byee!" He said bowing and running to the building.

After 15 mins, Asahi and Nakamura appeared from the building as you four went to the cafetaria. You asked Himeko if she'd like to go watch the Volleyball practice and she was happy to do that.

After eating, Asahi said bye and you, Himeko and Nakamura went to the college gym to watch the Asahi practice, where you could hear similar sounds of volleyballs smacking into the floor and the screeching of sports shoes, feeling nostalgic.

"Let's go there." Himeko dragged you both through a crowd of people in the stands and sat down. "Umm, why is it so crowded here?" You asked wondering. "Oh you didn't know? They have a practice game against K University today." Nakamura said pushing up his glasses. You didn't know your College volleyball team was gonna be here today.

You saw around, many girls were here. "Is that xyz-san? He's so hot kyaaa!"
"But where's our favourite player?"
"He hasn't arrived yet? But he's our ace!"
"Azumane san is so hot"
"Totally he's an amazing player, I wish he spiked my ***** like he smacks the ball"
"Ah look there he is!"
"Azumane saaaann!"

You heard girls around you saying stuff about Asahi. You were shocked. 'is this my Asahi they're talking about?' you asked yourself in visible confusion which Himeko saw. "Ah this might be new for you. I think you don't know. Asahi is kinda famous around here. You know since he's the ace, he's the star player so he has a lot of fangirls from all departments." Himeko chuckled as you stared in disbelief.

"Hey look, he's warming up! Will he notice me if I say good luck?"
"Shout for him"
"Azumane san! Good luck"
"He's so cute!"
You could hear many girls trying to call him. "Wow this is new for me." You said. But then you realised why this was.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now