23. Part time🧤🧾🔧🍋

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Warning: NSFW

"we don't meet anymore, my bed feels empty without you" Asahi's soft but deep voice said through the phone. "I know but it's just for a few more weeks." You said tired, lying in the bed, almost dozing off. "I know but I miss youuuu. Just come over tomorrow okay?" Asahi pleaded, he was sleepy too. Before you could answer Asahi noticed that you'd gone deep into slumber, the video call still on. "Haha you look so cute rn, I love you sweetheart" he said, which you could barely hear. You mumbled an I love you back and dozed off.

The past few weeks had been tough, since you all had taken up part time jobs or errands to save money for one last trip before high school ends. So you'd wake up early, as volleyball practice had stopped due to the exams coming in a week, and study till school time. Then after school you'd all go to your respective jobs. You and Aren worked at the local bakery. Asahi interned at the design-college-trustee-lady's boutique who had asked Asahi to give the entrance exam. Mikoto didn't really work, because she was rich. Daichi, Tanaka and Suga worked at the garage Coach Ukai's friend owned. Kiyoko did some typing job from her home and Michimiya also helped at a convenience store.

So these were the places you'd go off to after work. Since the lady's boutique that Asahi worked at was a bit farther away, he'd stay over there at weekends so you didn't meet at his house, only at school. You'd talk on the phone or video called each other but between the odd jobs and exams studies, you couldn't get some time for yourselves. The next morning you woke up, it being a Wednesday. You decided you will spend the night at Asahi's so you could study together at night and sleep in longer before school.

At school, the club's were quiet since the senpais were about to graduate, so it was less busy than before, the exams began in another week. You all studied your ass off for the finals. This exam's score was to be added and considered for the college applications. Each day, after exams, your third year buddies would gather at Asahi's place and do group studies. Since you didn't go to your part time jobs it was easier for the two weeks of exams.

The day before the exams, you third years officially retired from club activities. The school clicked pictures. Daichi officially transferred the captain duties to Ennoshita from second year, Tanaka being the vice captain. You handed down all your notes and data to Yachi. It was very emotional, everyone was crying. Even Tsukishima cried but quickly acted like it was just dust. Noya and Tanaka were being over dramatic as usual. Asahi and Yachi cried so much they hyperventilated so you had to calm them down by giving water and stuff. The whole team lined up and bowed before you four and Kiyoko who had also come.

After two weeks of excruciating efforts and hard work, your high school exams had finally ended! "Hooray! Now let's start looking for places to go to! To Asahi's house!" You shouted as you all left from the ramen place you went for lunch. After uploading a group selfie with the caption "Sayonara high school life", you all went to Asahi's house. "I love how yall have made my house the hang out spot" he said chuckling to himself.

Everyone sat down at the Kotatsu (the heater table thingy) as Asahi brought his laptop. "Whoa Asahi san your house is so nice" Tanaka exclaimed having come for the first time. It was you four couples only, Everyone sat down cuddled up with their boo. "Ah this is cozy." Mikoto said snuggling into Suga's side. You and Asahi sat almost a foot away from each other, Asahi still not used to the PDA.

"Asahi when will we get to see you kiss or even hug (y/n)? It's not like anyone will judge you." Suga said poking him. "Common! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Tanaka chanted everyone joining in. Asahi got flustered and started panicking. You looked at Asahi, curious if he'd actually kiss you. His face got very red and you realised how uncomfortable he got. "That's enough guys. It's okay if you're uncomfortable, I won't force you. You don't have to do it" you said touching his arm. "Asahi you're no fun! What if it's an emergency and you have to kiss her?" Mikoto said. "I don't think there would be any situation like that-" Asahi spoke before getting cut off by Kiyoko- "Like what if some guy hits on her?" She said jokingly. You could see Asahi fidgeting, not knowing what to say. "This is so irrelevant. Anyway, please see this one place I was looking at yesterday" you turned the laptop towards the others changing the topic.

After an hour or so of discussion, you narrowed down the choices to two places. Either Hokkaido or Yokohama. You couldn't decide and argued for a long time. It got late in the evening and started to get cold. All the fatigue from the past month had started to kick in.

"I'm good with whatever honestly" you said defeated, exhausted and sleepy, leaning your head on Asahi's shoulder. He froze at the touch. You couldn't remember the next conversation because you dozed off sliding your head in his lap. "Sweetie are you tired? Don't sleep here you'll catch a cold" he said rubbing your arm. Realising that you were asleep, he quickly covered you with his jacket. "Sweetie" "bahahaha" "pfft my man's so whipped" Suga and the others laughed. "Well I guess..." He said scratching the back of his neck, putting an arm around you protectively.

"You two go well together. To think (y/n) got to date her crush hehe" Mikoto laughed. "Wha- what? (Y/n) ha- had.. a crush... on..on me?" Asahi asked surprised. "Yeah she did. Since the junior year" Suga giggled. "And you didn't tell me sooner? You knew I liked her from a long time!" Asahi growled/complained that woke you up. "What? you did?" You shuffled facing him. "I- I...." He stuttered. You hugged his torso and snuggled into his lower abdomen blushing, he stroked your shoulder and back smiling to himself.

"The beaches would be warm during the day. Nights would be cool too at Yokohama." Asahi blurted out trying to change the topic. "There is a private hot spring in our hotel too" Daichi chimed in favour of Yokohama. After a long discussion, it was settled all of a sudden. Although in your opinion, Tanaka only said yes to because he'd get to see Kiyoko in a swimsuit, but so is true for Suga.

"Michi, We should go it's getting late. I'll drop you home" Daichi kissed Michimiya's head. Everyone left and the door closed with a loud thud. You woke up in Asahi's arms. "Good morning" he smirked. You got up from his lap only to pounce on his body, straddling Asahi, you on top of him. Your skirt rode up your butt revealing your shorts. He looked at them and got flustered quickly looking away. You decided to tease him more by sitting on his crotch and subtly grinding while kissing him. Needless to say you could feel a bulge under your core.

But then he did something unexpected. He put you down and exited to room leaving you puzzled. Did I overdo it? Does he not like this? Maybe it's because it's been a while.... Is he nervous? You asked yourself as Asahi came back into the room and picked you up like a log. "Gotta lock the door, can't have someone walking in on us while I blow your back against the wall" Asahi said grumbling as he pinned you against a wall. He un-bottoned your school uniform shirt and you undid your bra as he stripped from his own shirt. He slipped his hand under your skirt and leaned near your ear. "Keep the skirt and socks on" he whispered while unbuckling his pants, revealing his underwear covering his huge bulge. You obeyed and pulled your panties down and threw your bra away. He slipped his hand to your crotch while kissing you, his other hand pinning both your hands above your head to the wall.

After a long session of fucking you against the wall, you and him collapsed on the couch panting. Then you decided to ride him. "Ahhhh.. nghh....y/n.... Yes like that.... Ah you're driving me insane.... Fuck yeahh...." Asahi grunted and moaned. He made all sorts of lewd noises which made you even more aroused. He grabbed your ass and brought his face in your shoulder. "Asa..Asahi... I... I.. can't anymore... It's too much..." You said clinging onto him finding it harder to ride because your legs gave out. "Don't worry baby just hold on" he said understanding that you couldn't go on anymore as he started thrusting in you. You were both close to your climax as you screamed his name and his thrusts got sloppier. You came undone, squelching your walls against his cock as he came as well.

After cleaning up, you both relaxed in the bath tub together. "I got you something." Asahi said. After you came out of the shower, he gave you a night suit set (those satin lined pyjama sets). "Awww baby I love it!" You hugged him, still a little damp from the shower. "But you shouldn't have we're saving for the trip!" You said. "It's okay, I thought you'd like to have something other than my hoodies to wear when you stay over." He said kissing your temples. "Well to be clear, I love wearing your hoodies. But I love this. Thank you! I love you" you went on your tippy toes to kiss Asahi. "I love you more sunshine" he said kissing you back.

The next few weeks you'd work with Aren and another guy at the bakery, taking a few extra shifts as you didn't have school anymore. By the end of month of February you all made enough money to go on the trip. Before going, you and the girls went shopping for some clothes. The guys booked train tickets and hotels. You were all excited for the trip!

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now