38. A Proposal♡☁️☁️☁️

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With the challenge issued by your boyfriend Asahi that he'll catch you off guard when he proposes you, you were now more on edge. You weren't going to lose to him.

So you always frisked his pants when you hugged him to check if he has a box or a ring on him (honestly it was just a reason to touch him ಠ◡ಠ). You wore makeup and dressed up a bit more whenever he took you on dates because you were worried that you'd be dressed like a hooligan when he proposed. You also checked his things to check if he did buy a ring.

It was all for competitive reasons though, you didn't want to be surprised and let him win the challenge. You expected him to propose to you on a picnic, or a dinner date, or a casual hang out, or when you two were alone at your little apartment, that you've lived in since College for 3 years now, but didn't have the time to move out of. Because you and Asahi had kick started your career and were working hard and making money well, you didn't have the chance to look at better places.

You had the upper hand because you knew that because he was such a socially awkward and anxious guy, he wouldn't propose publically or when you were with other people, so you let your guard down then. Although it was fun, but being constantly on guard was very taxing and you were having a hard time. So therefore, you thanked God that you could chill out at the outdoor picnic that your high school friends had planned.


"Megumi! Don't put that in your mouth!" Kiyoko yelled as her 2 year old daughter tried to put the dandelion in her mouth. You had met at a place your bestfriend Mikoto's family owned. It was a vacation house, that was up in the mountains and it had a huge garden/yard which stretched up to the foothills of a small hill. The yard had cherry blossom trees which were in bloom therefore she decided to have an outdoor picnic there. So Suga, Daichi, Mikoto, her supermodel boyfriend, Kiyoko, Tanaka, Asahi and you drove all the way to the mountains in Miyagi for some well deserved vacation.

You sat on the large mat spread across the grass, the weather was amazing, with clear blue sky. You were eating cakes, sandwiches, snacks and drank juice and champagne while you chattered and gossiped and laughed with your childhood mates.

"Mommy, look I make crown for Asahi uncle." Megumi pointed to your boyfriend's hair which had wild flowers sticking out of it while talking to Kiyoko. You giggled as you snuck a picture of him. "That's so pretty! Did you make it?" Daichi asked as she shyed away from him and hid behind her very beautiful mom Kiyoko and nodded shyly.

You giggled as you called her to you and cuddled her, it was hard to keep your eyes off of her. Asahi had said that she's his favourite kid because she was the only one who didn't get scared of him (although his brother Akihiro had a kid about the same age as her).

With your back turned to the picnic, you swung Megumi up in the sky as she giggled. You soaked the sunlight and smiled, the sunlight and cherry blossoms made your mood very light and you had forgotten all your worries in the world. But it was going to get better.

"Hey babe..." Asahi tapped your shoulder from behind you just that moment as you turned around, Megumi running back to her mom. There were everyone, looking at you two, as Asahi went on one knee. It was happening.

"When I first confessed my feelings to you, it was amongst those fake cherry blossom flowers that you had made for the school festival and these guys secretly helped me do it and they also watched when I did. So I thought it would only be fitting to propose you between real cherry blossom flowers this time with their help and presence as well." He giggled as he pulled out the ring box. "Oh my god" you said, on the verge of tears, you couldn't say much due to the shock from the surprise.

"(F/N) (L/N), Will you marry me?" Asahi said blushing furiously but still donning a content smile on his face, that kind smile you fell for all those years ago in high school.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now