Boyfriend scenarios

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I read some haikyuu boyfriend scenarios and so I wanted to write some about Asahi. Enjoy!

When you accidentally kneed him in his junk:

-bb was trying to stay calm to save himself from embarrassment
-but it hurt a lot
-teared up slightly
-said he was okay when you were concerned
-the frozen peas pack came in handy


When another guy flirts with you:

-gets nervous, wonders why you're smiling while talking to him
-paces around thinking how to get you away from him
- insecure: thinks you'll leave him, kinda jealous too
- walks up to you to somehow to get your attention
- the guy gets scared of him and runs away
- now Asahi is happy and wants your attention


When you sit on his lap:

- surprised at first
- stuttering mess, "y-- y/n!"
- you ask him if he isn't comfortable and try to get up because you think he doesn't like it
- quickly pulls you by your waist back
- "i- I like it" he says
- now it's your new favourite spot to sit
- although you take care to not sit on his junk, that would be uncomfortable for him
- likes having his arms around your waist cuddling you, his chin on your shoulder, when your back is pressed against his chest and stomach
- y'all watch yt or some anime like that
- when you face him while sitting on his lap, you ask him how his day was or anything in general, lots of small pecks all over his face
- sometimes you makeout, or sometimes you just fall asleep like that


When he gets sick:

- he tries to look strong in front of you, but he looks half dead, zombie
- v e e e e r y clingy
- kinda wants to cuddle you all day, but also doesn't want you to catch a cold
- doesn't admit it, but melts inside when you take care of him
- at first when you give him a forehead kiss he resists saying you'll get sick too, but then gives in
- follows you around like a puppy because he wants attention and cuddles even when you tell him to rest
- eats the soup you made him
- just wants to get better quicker so then he can resume his daily activities


When you wear a cheerleader outfit and cheer for him at a match:

- lil bb is a mess
- he's nervous as it is, plus now he's blushing seeing you in the outfit
- h y p e r v e n t i l a t i n g
- Suga has to calm him down
- you get a bonk in the head from Suga and asks you to go change
- messes up his serves at first, but then gets better as he tries to show off
- smacks the ball even harder to impress you
- the team is in awe of the hitting power
- after winning the match, he whispers in you ear and asks you to wear it at bed tonight. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


When you wear a revealing outfit:

So you both are going on a date and you wear something revealing and he sees you after you're done changing

- *stares*
- *stares*
- comes over and hugs you, kinda handsy
- "you're so pretty🥺"
- "are you gonna wear that out?" He asks and you say yes
- shy bb kinda wants you to change but he drinks feminist juice so hesitant to ask you to change, because he doesn't want to sound bossy
- you see him looking anxious and ask him, says what's bothering him after a lot of coaxing
- "other guys will stare at you, I'd get jealous. Only I want to see my y/n like this.... But you should wear what you like and what's comfortable for you."
- best boy


When you pull the 'wearing someone else's hoodie prank':

- immediately detects the unidentified hoodie
- kinda hesitates at first but then asks who's it is
- you'd got it from Suga for the prank
- "oh it's Suga's, I was cold so he gave it to me, isn't he so nice?" You say
- removes his hoodie from his bag and hands it to you and says "wear mine, he must be cold"
- you decide to be a brat and say "nah he said it's good, he isn't cold"
- coaxes the hoodie out of you and makes you wear his
- "if you're cold then just tell me, you always wear my hoodie"
- you laugh and tell him it's a prank
- *pouts* "not funny"
- you give him a lil peck for compensation
- cutie hehe


Which team member likes you:

- Yamaguchi had a crush on you
- But he quickly grew out of it when he understood that you liked Asahi
- poor bb gets jealous when he sees you and Asahi all happy and in love
- gets over it after 3-4 months


When he hears a rumour about you:

- Doesn't actually believe it at all
- he knows his y/n wouldn't do something like that
- gets kinda insecure
- like a nice person, he tells you about the things others are telling about you, so that you're not in the dark. It would be a dick move to not say anything to you if you were unaware of the rumours about you
- you reassure him that they're just rumours and he has nothing to worry about and thank him for telling you


When you have a nightmare

- at first he was scared as to why you were twisting and shaking in your sleep
- then wakes you up and asks if you're okay
- "Don't worry, I'm here for you."
- Cuddles you to sleep
- gives soft kisses while stroking your hair till you're relaxed

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