29. Dai-Suga?💔☁️

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"well? Open it!" You looked at him wide eyed, anxious. He gulped down hard before fumbling his phone in his hands and tapping on the screen.

"..... Mr Azumane Asahi we're very happy to announce that you've received a full scholarship for the Fashion Studies course at T University." Asahi mumbled coherently as you shrieked.

"OH MY GOD BABY YOU GOT A SCHOLARSHIP!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!" You pounced on him hugging him, teary eyed. "I can't believe it! I finally got in! AHHHHH" he squealed in joy hugging you back.

You pulled back and cupped his face. "I'm so happy. You did it! I'm so proud of you babe" you said through sniffles and tears, still smiling ear to ear. "Thank you sweetheart, it means a lot. I love you" he said pulling you in for a kiss. After a deep kiss he broke it off and whispered "....we're going to Tokyo" he said.

"We're goiNG TO TOKYO!" you jumped on him again and you laughed hugging each. "WAIT I GOTTA TELL MOM AND-"
After half an hour of Asahi calling his family to tell the good news, he had finally calmed down.
"Oh man! I'm so jealous! I still have to go through the physical examination for the public service course." Daichi said from the other side of the call.
"Yeah well, come over anyhow, were celebrating!" Asahi smiled looking over at you and Suga.

You were at Asahi's place because Suga got his acceptance letter as well so you all decided to celebrate. You invited Mikoto and Kiyoko as well. Daichi being the closest came first. You four decided to play some board game. Asahi pulled one out and you sat on the floor, playing.

"Dai-chan you're totally cheating!" Suga giggled, throwing a game piece at Daichi. "Hey! I'm not! (Y/n) is cheating!" Daichi said shifting blame.
"Hey!" You protested.
"Nah it seems like it was you Daichi" Asahi added fuel to the fire.

"See! You're a cheater love~" Suga said poking Daichi's side which made him tickle.
"Oh is it? I'll show you who's the cheater then!" Daichi said pinning Suga to the ground and tickling him mercilessly.
(It was Asahi, he was cheating, because nobody suspects him).

"Ahh- Dai-chan.... Ha ha .... Bahaha! Get off! Ha ha ha ha ..... Daichi seriously! That tickles..... Hahaha..." Suga squirmed under Daichi's grip, tears forming on the corners of his eyes due to the laughing, his cheeks totally flushed.

"Enjoying ourselves are we?"

You all looked towards the direction the voice came from. There stood Mikoto, her face cross, you could see the terror and anger on her face. Behind her stood Kiyoko. They had just entered the house.

"Haha Mikoto! You're here! Why did you take so long. Look at Dai-chan here, such a cheater. Won't even admit that he's one!" Suga laughed, not understanding the gravity of the situation.

"I'm pretty sure you're the cheater here." Mikoto spat, tears waiting to burst out of her eyes. You looked at Daichi and Kiyoko who's face was confused but worried as to why Mikoto was acting this way. Daichi got up from Suga.
"Not at all.... It's Daichan!" Suga said, only now turning to look at an angry, devastated Mikoto.

"Mikoto? What happened? Why do you look like that? Hey! Talk to me..." He said getting up and going towards her, reaching his hand out to caress her cheek. She slapped it away and finally looked up at Suga with a tear filled face.

"I've had it. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of pretending." She dropped the snack bags in her hand. "Mikoto what are you talking about? You don't want to do what?" Suga asked, genuinely worried.

"I'm tired of being the second choice, the rebound, the settlement instead of somebody you can't have." Mikoto said.

"What are you talking about... " Suga was dumbstruck at a loss of words. "Everyone let's take some deep breaths here" you said trying to calm everyone down.
"No. This ends today. I don't care if I say it him alone or in front of you all." Mikoto cried.

"Koushi, just confess your feelings to him. I know you like him, hell, you're in love with him for the longest time. Just do me, yourself and him a favour and come clean. I'm tired of seeing my boyfriend pine for another person right in front of me." She said, tears rolling down her cheeks. Nobody moved. Everyone was quiet, Kiyoko and Daichi were so confused.

"Please just confess to Daichi san how much you're in love with him"

Everyone just stood there with their mouths wide open.
"I- I'm sure there- there's a misunderstanding Mikoto san" Asahi spoke up trying to calm the situation down.
"Don't Asahi." Suga said looking at the ground.

"Mikoto, Suga san, you both seem to have an misunderstanding, let's talk it out-" Kiyoko also tried but she was cutoff by Suga as well. When you looked at Suga's face, you saw how horrified he looked. Realisation seemed to have hit him. Mikoto ran out of the house. You ran after her with Kiyoko.


Timeskip 4 hours.

You came home to Asahi's place. You met Asahi who was cooking something in the kitchen. You hugged him from the back and buried your face in his back. "You must be hungry. I'm making stir fried vegetables. Suga's in my room. Let's all eat up." He said in his kind voice. You went to his room and dragged Suga to the dining table. Suga started to eat but after a bite he started bawling his eyes out.

"(Y/n), Asahi, I'm such a terrible person. How could I do this to Mikoto. I don't deserve all this. How can I make this alright?" He said rubbing the tears on his face. You got up from your seat and hugged him.
"The worst part is, she suffered through it all without telling me, knowing everything. I can't believe I hurt her this much" he said sniffling, his voice cracked due to the crying.

"Suga, it's not your fault really. You couldn't have known. You naturally wouldn't have hurt Mikoto if you were aware of your feelings. It happens to the best of us." You said rubbing circles into his back.
"She is such a nice person. I was the awful one. Uwahhhh" Suga kept wailing like a baby.

"But Suga, since no one has asked you this, I'll ask it. Do you really love Daichi?" Asahi interjected.
"I.... I do..." With that he again burst into tears. After a lot of sniffles, he finally calmed down.

"How am I supposed to face Daichi. I hope he doesn't get disgusted by me. What if he doesn't like me back? No, more importantly, what if he starts to avoid me? I'll lose him as a friend too.." Suga said worried.

"I think right now, all you have to do is set things straight with Mikoto first." You said defending your bestfriend.
"Yes you're right. I can talk to Daichi after-"
Ding dong~

The bell rang interrupting the conversation.
"Who's it this late?" Asahi questioned while opening the door.

"Ummm... Is Koushi here...?" There stood Daichi in a scarf and a jacket. You and Suga peeped from the living room. Suga's eyes widened and he just kinda stiffened there.

"Oh thank God you're here I was so worried." Daichi sighed, relieved, placing a hand over his chest. "Koushi, I called everyone, you weren't at your home or at the park or at Mikoto's." He said walking inside.

"Daichi... I'm.... I'm so sorry...." Suga started sobbing.
"Dont be sorry about it. But let's get you home. Your mom was worried." He said grabbing Suga's jacket from the rack. Suga looked at you, you gave him an affirming nod and he started to leave. Daichi helped him with his coat and gave him a kind, warm smile. They said goodbye after saying sorry to you and Asahi for some reason and left.

"You know, I was worried about him, but seeing Daichi, I'm not so worried now afterall..." Asahi said smiling to himself.
"Yeah, I guess it'll be alright for him afterall. Mikoto was a mess though. But she's not mad anymore. I hope they sort it out by talking." You said walking inside the living room when you were hugged by Asahi suddenly.

"Huh?" You made a confused sound and stood there awkwardly. Asahi pulled away scrunching his eyebrows together. He grabbed both your hands and placed them around him as if asking you to hug him and hugged you back. You quickly understood what he meant and hugged him back.

"If you were that jealous of me hugging Suga you should've just said so." You chuckled at how he was acting like a big baby.
"I don't mind you hugging him, you just have to hug me longer" he said squeezing you tighter, into the bear hug.
"Sweetie let's finish the dinner" you said softly rubbing circles in his back.
"Just stay like this for a little more time" Asahi said taking a deep breath.

"You're a big baby you know that?" You chuckled.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now