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You cleaned up the entire apartment that you and Asahi lived in. You washed the dishes, made sure you had prepared the food and tidied up the apartment.

And you waited in anticipation for your boyfriend to come home. It had been 4 months since you last saw him. He'd visited his parents' for some work when the country went under lockdown and so he was trapped there, miles away from his house, where y/n the love of his life waited for him.

And now, he was finally able to come back. You had never gone this long from seeing each other. You missed him, but mostly his touch, his scent, his affection and warmth. Asahi texted you when he reached near asking if you wanted anything from the store. It was almost time so you filled the bathtub with hot water for him.

As the water was falling from the faucet, the door bell rang. Your heart beat picked up its pace as you ran up and opened the door. There he was, in an oversized tshirt and shorts, a mask that covered more than half his face.

In that moment you wanted to jump on him, embrace him, kiss him and tell him how much you missed him. But you couldn't.

"Hi" you smiled. The corner of your eyes wrinkling.

"Keep your stuff on the side and head straight to the bathroom, I've already set the bath. I'll give you your clothes too." You smiled.

"Ahh right. Thanks." He said, almost as if he had just realised that he couldn't immediately engulf you in his arms. He took long steps to the bathroom. You prepared the rest of the dinner as he took a bath. After 20 minutes, you heard the bathroom door open.

Asahi walked out, shirtless, with just some shorts on, drying his hair with a towel. You saw him and you were overwhelmed with emotions. You switched off the gas and ran up to him, and hugged him, burying your face in his uncovered toned chest. He was quick to wrap his arms around you as well.


"How are you?" He asked peppering your forehead and the top of your head with kisses.
"Better, now that you're here." You said now putting your face into the crook of his neck, feeling the warmth of his damp skin that smelled like soap.

"Ahhh I missed you so much it hurts." He said tightening his grip around you, then moved his hand up to your face and gently pulling it towards his.

"I missed you more." You said looking into his eyes. He smiled softly as he leaned in and kissed you, his lips moving in rhythm with yours, his hand caressing your face, his other hand pulling you closer towards his body.

You felt ecstatic, a happiness, like you'd never felt before. You were touching him, and kissing him after 4 months. While it won't be much to others, this long distance thing was difficult for you, especially because you went from living together to not seeing each other for more than 4 months.

You couldn't get enough as you smiled into the kiss and hugged him tighter, closing each and every gap between you two, your hands wandering all over his body. He held you with the same longing and passion.

Finally you let go as you gasped for air and looked at his face. His beard had grown even more, and his hair were longer. Now that you looked at him well, you noticed how he looked tired, due to the bags under his eyes, his longer than usual beard and a slight moustach, cheeks sunken in.

"Were you busy? You look sleep deprived." You asked running your fingers through his hair.

"I wasn't really busy but I just couldn't get continued sleep. Like I barely slept 4 hours because I kept getting up in the night and wondered where you were, then realising that I was at my parents' and not with you. I just couldn't sleep well without you." He said kissing the right side of your forehead. You could feel his overgrown beard tickle and rub your face.

"Well good thing you'll get a lot of sleep today then." You said as you both sat down to eat dinner. You talked about anything and everything while eating, although most of it was how things were different without the other person.

Then after you went to bed. Asahi yawned and stretched and took a deep breath before making place for you, you slithering under the sheets. After you settled down Asahi pulled you on top of him and cuddled you as he let go of the breath he was holding in, instantly feeling calmer.

Within minutes of getting under the warm sheets, both of you dozed off, comfortable in your favourite person's arms and warmth. You both slept like a baby for more than 10 hours that night and even after waking up, you laid around lazily in the bed, tangled in each other's embrace.

"Ahhh I feel so refreshed. Seeing you first thing in the morning and having you in my arms is the best thing ever. I missed this so much." He said, Rubbing your back.

"Me too." You smiled into his shoulders as you dozed off again.

Falling for the ace💕 (Asahi × Reader Fic+ One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now