Part 21, Beach

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I'm trying to update at least once a week, but the last month of school is pretty hectic and I don't want to get bad grades in the last month. I'll try to update once a week, but if I don't make that, please don't stop reading or hate me, because I will update in the weekends if I haven't already updated that week. When I have vacation I'll update more and probably finish this story and then I'll continue with my Tiva ~ short stories.

*Kensi POV*

The final of America's next top model was great, I really liked it and I'm very grateful that I have been able to experience this. I know Ziva, Tony and Deeks acted like they were interested, but I could see right through them. Well except from Ziva, but I know she doesn't likes it. But I'm grateful to have a family who is there for me and even are there when they rather be somewhere else.

"Omg that was so great, I really loved to see it for real for once." "I'm glad you liked it and I didn't mind being there either." "Hahah I bet you didn't, you could look at Tony all the time without it looking weird." "He also looked at me the whole time." Ziva defends herself and we both laugh.

"Thank you for this week, I know we're only two days here, but it is already the best week of my life and thank you for everything you've done for me so far." "You are welcome Kens, anything for my sister." Ziva says and I give her a hug. "By the way when we are back at my house we're going to make a walk on the beach the four of us." Ziva says. "Okay, but why are we doing that?" "Just because it's beautiful to see the sea at night." Ziva says smiling.

*Ziva POV*

"If you say so." Kensi says and smiles, then she starts starring out of the window again. I really hope my plan works, but I am 99.99 percent sure it will. I will ask Kate tomorrow how it went with telling the news, because either way they will probably want to spend some time together now.

We arrive back home and step out of the car. "We are going to the beach, because it is beautiful at night and I want you to have seen it." I say and smile. "Do we have to go to the beach?" Tony and Deeks whine. "Yes you do." I say irritated and they immediately notice it and go along with going to the beach. Kensi and I are holding our heels in one hand and Tony is holding my other hand, while Kensi and Deeks walk like really close to each other. I pull Tony a little back and whisper something in his ear. When Deeks and Kensi are not noticing it we run away to the pier on my sign.

*Kensi POV*

We are walking on the beach when all of the sudden Ziva and Tony are gone. We look around when lights start shining and there is made a path of shells. We follow the arrows and end up at a picnic blanket with a picnic basket besides it. "What is all of this?" Deeks asks. "I don't." I say and sit down. I think I know who has done this, but I also think it's very sweet of her.

I open the basket and inside of it are two whine glasses, a bottle of whine and two letters. One with my name on it and one with Deeks' name on it. I give him his letter while he is opening the whine and puts some in both of the glasses. I take a sip of my whine and then open the letter. "Tell him, I know you can Kens, it's about time you two say what you feel inside. x your big sister and yes I used a contraction 😊." I smile and look up to see that Deeks is already looking at me. "Kens.." "Deeks.." We say at the same time. "You can go first." I say and Deeks starts talking.

"I don't know how to say this, I've never been a person to express myself very well. The last few years have been the best of my live, you made me light up again and you still do. You make me want to come to work as fast as I can, just so I can see your face again. Your smile makes my heart melt and the way you look at me always makes my knees go weak. Also your wrong use of touché is the cutest and every day I tried to tell you this, but every time I wanted to we got interrupted or I just couldn't bring it out anymore. You are my favorite person there is and I love you Kens, I love you with all I have and I love you since the moment you walked in that MMA gym a few years ago and I always will." Deeks finishes and I don't know what to say, so I say what comes from my heart. "I.."

*Ziva POV*

We run away to the pier and I laugh because we almost tripped like 4 times. "So why did we needed to run?" "Well.." I start and explain my whole plan to Tony. He smiles at me and spins me around. "That so sweet of you." Tony says and I smile. I look at the sea for a moment and when I turn around Tony is standing there looking at me on one knee. "Dear Ziva, Zi, Ziver.."

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